
Chapter 70 - First Contract

"Oh, really. I want you to enjoy your first week in Vulture before I assign you to your job. But it seems your enthusiasm can\'t be contained." Emma moved closer to the pods, touching the transparent glass on the pod with care. He turned to the twins.

"Do you know why I call you here.?" He looked from Jimena to Arce.

"For us to begin our research, I presume," Jimena answered, while Arce nodded.

Emma nodded. "You are partially correct. But the main reason I brought you to this particular room is for another purpose." He paused deliberately. 

The twins looked at each other, then back to Emma and the pods. But they couldn\'t understand what was going on. If they are not here to work, then what are they here for. They furrowed.

Seeing their confused expression. Emma continued. "Before you can start working at \'Starlight Genesis\'. You need two things. 1." He raised his index finger. "You need to be a member of the Terra World… And 2." Raising his middle finger. "You must sign a confidential contract of a lifetime" he looked at the twins while the slight smile on his face disappeared.

Hearing this, the twins breathe a sigh of relief. They looked at each other and smiled. "You\'ve told us already, and we\'re already prepared. More so, we are already a member of the Terra World." Arce responded proudly.

"I know," Emma replied casually. "However, this message was not meant for you. But for the people after you. I won\'t have the luxury of performing the orientation every time. This will be one of your responsibilities."


The twins raised their brows. While Jimena open her mouth but was interrupted by Emma. "I don\'t have all day. I will answer once every of your question." He looked at the pods. "You see these pods."

"Yes." Jimena and Arce answered at once.

"This will serve as the Starlight Genesis contract mechanism and also as Optima gene serum injector." He tapped the glass screen lightly, looking at the twins. "Shoot your question."

Em! Em!

The sudden information stupefied the twins. They glued their eyes to the sparkling pods in front of them. Moreover, numerous thoughts were flying through their mind, but they were having difficulty arranging their thought.

\'How can he create the serum injection pods?\'

\'Are the people behind him from the Alpha Continent.\'

\'But even in Alpha. There are no such sophisticated pods like this.\'

"Don\'t think too much. Whatever question you may want to ask. You can ask the System." He looked at the ceiling. "Goddess," He called softly

{I\'m with you, Master.} A young female voice echoed in the room.

Hearing this, the twins looked at each other and sighed. Trying to comprehend the man in front of them was a pipe dream. They could only focus on their job.

"With Goddess. You don\'t have to worry about not understanding anything. Now let begin the contract signing." He moved to the nearby monitor and input some instructions. 


The two pods slide open. 

Seeing this, the twins looked at each other and exhaled. They have already reached this juncture. There is no turning back. Worrying about Emma executing nefarious intentions on them never came to their mind. If he wanted to do them bad. Why go all this length. Entering the pods, the pods shut automatically.

At once, a lock came out of nowhere and locked all the moveable joints of the twins. Done with that, numerous injections came out of the hidden compartment, injecting unknown liquid into their body. 

After a few seconds, a circular object appeared at the back head of the twins, attacking itself to their spin. The twins trembled slightly but relax afterward. Emma looked at the data on the monitor with a slight smile on his face. \'The first phase is successful.\' On the top corner of the monitor screen. A big green button was blinking. Without further ado, Emma pressed it.

{Commencing the Contract process.}

At once, the data on the screen change, displaying all properties of the Nanomites while entering the spin of the twins. Looking at the monitor, Emma held his breath. It was the first time using the Nanomites contract. It would be a lie if he said he was not scared of failure or anything go wrong with the twins.

\'Don\'t fail me. Hmm.\'

>>Ha! Ha! Ha! The mighty Emma fears failure. What a pity that the twins could not see your current expression. I can\'t imagine what their expression would be like Ha! Ha! Ha! Lily teased. 

  Emma ignored Lily\'s tease and focus his attention on the monitor. \'According to my calculation and Zeus simulations. There are 97% of success. But why am I still scared of 3%.\' He shook his head at the unnecessary thought.

>>I know why you are worried. And that gives me hope you\'re not forgetting yourself in the presence of power and success. You still have your humanity in you.

\'Power, Money. These things are things that could be acquired easily. But finding the right people aligning with your goal in the process of acquiring them is the most important part. Because life is tiring if you walk alone. So, I chose to never work alone.\'

>>….Really! But with this contract placed on them. You\'re still working alone.

\'You think so…?\'


\'You\'re wrong. Do you think I went this far just to walk alone? No. The loose contract had nothing serious except for keeping the confidentiality of the company and never to betray me. Why do you think I did this? Not because of them betraying or whatnot. Sometimes, the situation may be beyond your capabilities, rendering you helpless. That is where the contract comes in. Do you get now…?\'

>>I get you… You mean when your people find themselves in the hands of the enemy. The contract keeps the secret secure. Not because they chose to betray you, but because they are helpless against the situation when they tried to pry into their mind.

\'Yes. So, these twins are part of the foundation of the company. I\'ve studied their research and I need not to lie to myself. They are crazy. Seriously, they\'re Genius. How far they can go in the line of genetic is unknown. Besides, they\'re not ambitious and only focus on their research while also rescuing their parent. So, with these people around me. The journey will not be lonely.\'

>>Hmm. Let see how the journey goes.

Beep. Beep.

{Contract implanted successfully. All vital organs working correctly. Subjects will wake up in 10 seconds.}

Hearing the Goddess announcement, Emma\'s eyes blinked and looked at data on the monitor, exhaling and smiling. Ten seconds pass in the blink of an eye and the pods open. The twins blink their eyes and they both opened their eyes at the same time. Seeing the young man in front of them, they walked out of the pods.

"How is it…." Emma moved closer. "Do you feel anything out of the ordinary? Hmm"

Arce and Jimena kept quiet for a couple of seconds before they shook their head. "I feel nothing except for a tingling sensation coming from the back of my neck," Jimena announced. Arce nodded. "I also feel the same." He added.

Emma smiled. "Don\'t worry. That\'s will go away in a couple of minutes."

They nodded. 

{Welcome to Starlight Genesis. Mr. Arce and Miss Jimena.}

Hearing the sudden announcement from the Goddess. The twins looked at Emma and understanding what was going on. They have been in the facility for a couple of minutes. Why is the computer just welcoming them?

{After the successful contract. You have full authority in Starlight Genesis in the Gene department. Previously, you are just a mere visitor. Now, you are the level 3 top researcher and leading personnel in this facility.}


After hearing the short monologue from the Goddess. The twins understand what was going on. They looked at Emma, not knowing what to say. Understanding what the twins were thinking, Emma left them to find out things themselves.

"I will be leaving. Ask Goddess for anything." Emma declared.

\'Now, I should wait for the Paralaz Sensors to be completed before I implement the next phase of the plan.\' He thought, leaving the dumbfounded twins.

In an unknown location in vulture city. Inside a room, three people were seated around a circular table discussing some serious matter. They could cut the thick atmosphere with a knife. The three had a blank expression, looking at each other.

"What are we going to do to this uprising?" A middle-aged man asked.

"Vulture, are you asking us that..." An elderly woman responded, raising her brow.

"Why won\'t?" Vulture smirked. "Happy House, don\'t you think? Because you\'re less affected by this gives you the privilege to saunter unconcerned. "

"Both of you can fight as you like when we resolve this," A coarse voice announced. He was the eldest person among the three. His head was full of grey hair.

Hearing the voice of the elderly man. The two stopped their banter and looked at the elderly man, adjusting their bearing.. "What do you mean, we can fight as we like? Are we some kids for you? Hmm?" Happy House questioned, with her voice raised by an octave.

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