
Chapter 1230 Don't Loose Hope!


Taking the weird-looking water vessel which looked like a small pot, made of copper, Ye Qian couldn\'t help but stare at it for a moment before drinking the water in one go.

After a few moments, the owner who was sitting right opposite him with a  simple smile on his face asked.

"So tell me what do you know about herbs?"

His question caused Ye Qian to be shocked and didn\'t dare to meet his gaze.

Actually, there was nothing that he knew about the herbs.

And also the herbs that he felt were of some good use and were of some value were only based on how he had memorized them and not on their names.

He was not a farmer of herbs even if he wanted to be able to cultivate just one kind of herb.

Besides, from what he had heard so far, the magical herbs that were valued so much were not something that could even be grown in a short period of time.

Even a single blade of green dew grass, a grass which had a layer of dew on its surface, or at least that was not what it appeared would take at the very least 2 years to mature completely before it could be harvested.

In this world, even a single copper coin was enough to bring enough rations for a family of four for a whole week.

Of course, under the condition that it was a normal food which was eaten by mortals here.

Mortals were normal people who didn\'t cultivate, but still, they could easily live for more than 100 years if they didn\'t meet any mishaps.

That was what amazed Ye Qian a lot, on Earth, for to be able to live after 70 was already considered a great deal, but here, even if one was not rich, just mere normal living farmers and peasants would live more than 100 years at ease.

"So you don\'t, SIGH."

Upon thought, the middle-aged owner was able to discern that the guy before him didn\'t know anything about the herbs.

Of course, this was something that he had understood from taking a first glance at Ye Qian and the smell of various herbs and also even poisonous plants on his body.

Even in this big stack of herbs, most of them were just weeds, in fact, he was sure that more than 90 percent of the plants in this stack were weeds and while the rest were some really low-level herbs that would only give him like 5 copper coins at most.

"You don\'t seem to have seen that kind of vessel before?"

"Hmm, never."

Ye Qian shook his head.

"Okay, now let\'s see the herbs that you have brought."

Saying that the owner extended his hand towards the large stack of roughly 40 kilos of herbs with just a single hand.


With a muffled thump, he carefully placed the small mountain onto the table.

And to make it transparent he even walked from opposite Ye Qian to next to him.

"This is a very low-level bark grass, if it grows into a shrub, it will give a flower that can heal a few kinds of poisons, but it takes 5 years for the shrub to grow into a complete adult and bud, right now it\'s of no other use but simply chew it as a mouth freshener."

When he heard the description of the herb that the owner had picked, Ye Qian\'s hopes were turned high as he expected it to at least give a copper coin for that one single herb, but later he could only sigh knowing that it was nothing worth it.

"Just to tell you, when it\'s close to flowering, the leaves of this plant will start to have gray spots on them and after the flowering, the plant itself will die."


Ye Qian nodded trying to save this information in his mind.

"This is also a weed, this one too....."

And so, with that, the owner started to segregate all the herbs.

Some of them were useful, but it was either Ye Qian had picked them up too early or it was already past the time that the herb would be of any use.

And so after like what seemed like a whole day, Ye Qian stared at the ten or so herbs that the owner had removed from the stack which he clearly told everything about and what they would be used for and their lifespan.

Of course, upon seeing more than 90 percent of the stash of herbs was said to be of no use, although Ye Qian had gotten so much information about these herbs, he still was dejected.

"How much money can you give me for this bunch?"

Taking a look at his reflection in the weird water jug before him, Ye Qian couldn\'t help but let out a sigh of helplessness.

"If I were to give you after knowing that you will only sell the herbs to me then I can give you at most 10 copper coins."

"Th...that\'s all!"

Ye Qian exclaimed while he felt anger rising in his heart.

"I paid 10 copper coins to enter the city and you are saying that I can only get 10 copper."

He banged his arms on the table yelling aloud at the middle-aged man.

"Young man, do you know what you are talking about?"

Lord Ju frowned as the corner of his lips twitched.

"I...I am sorry."

Realizing that he had shouted at someone and it could lead to grave results, Ye Qian apologized as soon as he was back to his senses.

Although he wanted to believe that this man before him had told the truth after hearing all that he had thought of him, but he couldn\'t help but not believe it.

The moment Lord Ju had told him that all the herbs that he had brought were of just 10 copper coins he knew that he had been played.

\'Will this world treat me the same way then will I even be able to meet them back?\'

He felt that he couldn\'t breathe anymore.

And that was when he heard the voice once again in his head.

\'You will meet them again, this is intended to happen, don\'t lose hope.\'


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