
Chapter 179 The Trip Back Home . . .

"Two . . ."

". . ."

Amara suddenly raised her head. I expected a slap but was surprised to find that there were tears in her eyes, her chin crumpling, and her face flushed.

As Amara cried, her bottom lip quivered the same as a baby pushed past endurance. Her eyes became glacier blue under that sheen of water, constant yet allowing the tears to flow without pause. At that moment, seeing her cry like that, I understood the depth of pain that had been sitting below her skin.

And, of course, my other self was quick to react by slamming my heart against my rib cage.

I got to admit that this was my first time seeing her really cry like this. I didn\'t remember that she was such a crybaby, but in this week alone, I lost count of how many times I saw her wipe her tears.

"Look . . . ," I started and didn\'t know how to proceed. "Dementia and Megu are both dear to me, but you will always be the first ever girl that I love, and you will always have a very special place in my heart."

<Smooth, Host. Real smooth>

I just said what my other self would have said.

I think that worked since Amara stopped crying, and she looked me straight in the eyes. "I won\'t fault you if you have many women in here. I didn\'t have the right to lecture you since I kind of did lead Edward too, thinking of using him to survive."

She then pulled her gaze and steadied them on her fiddling fingers on the top of her knees. "As long as your feelings towards me never change, I will try my best to be the woman who will be at your side no matter what happens . . ."

". . ."

<You okay, Host? You\'ve gone quiet>

Ah . . . it was just that . . . I never expected her to agree. She was prideful, and I thought she would strongly oppose the idea of me having many women.

"But don\'t think that I\'m okay with it, alright?" She suddenly said with a pout and a reddened face. "I\'m not the same Amara as before, who lacked understanding. There are many women out there. Some need your help, while others are useful to your survival.

"I don\'t want to be that girl who would always nag and whine about your attention. As long as you love me the most, then . . . I guess I\'m fine with it."

That confession spoiled by pride wasn\'t exactly romantic. But seeing her like that, all adorable and lovable, my only thought was how much I wanted to hold her.

I pulled Amara close to me and kissed her hair while her head rested on my chest.

"I promise . . . You will always remain number one in my heart."

In my other self\'s heart, at least.

<So who is the number one in your heart, Host? Is it the System?>

Ask me that again after a year.

<The System always knew that Host wouldn\'t remain faithful! Continue with your evil deed and spread your evil seedlings far and wide!>

Come to think of it . . . I thought while Amara closed her eyes and began her journey into dreamland while I held her tight in my arms.

. . . System, can I have kids in here?

< . . . Error. Players won\'t have kids in this world>

That\'s a relief.

That was good news.

This world was already hard to live in. Imagine taking care of a kid.

Angelica is all the kid I would have.

<Host is very fond of her?>

Of course, I am. I am fond of her infinite LCK too.


Looking over at the starry night, the twin moons glowed brighter than ever. They were so big that I could almost touch them.

I couldn\'t wait to get back in my territory and plan my next move.

<Host is beginning to embrace his evilness, I see>

I was beginning to like this planning and strategizing. It kept me amused and entertained.

It was like I found a new love for chess. And collecting pawns and using them effectively was the way to corner the king.


Inside the Town Hall were Edward and the remaining Castle Rock officials was having a meeting. Edward was talking to the representatives of Asuka when one of his generals, General Dozla, an old man in his fifties with a brute class, hard face, and even harder discipline on himself and others, walked in the hall.

He then whispered in Edward\'s ears and the latter\'s calm face darkened.

Edward excused himself to talk with his general in one of the private rooms or at least one of the rooms that weren\'t destroyed by the Grndelkin.

"What do you mean that all of them are dead?" Edward spat at his general when he reported to him about what happened in the forest.

"Their corpses were found mutilated like they were attacked by a wild beast."

"And Amara?" Edward immediately asked.

"We saw tracks of a wagon and horse hooves on the mud. We believed that the woman was safe . . . together with the others."

Edward released a deep sigh. He was thankful, at least, that Amara was safe. But Cross\'s face appeared in his mind, smirking at him and taunting him with Amara in his hands.

Edwards smashed his fist against the table, breaking it apart with his bare hand. "So you\'re saying that they escaped because our soldiers were eaten by some beast?"

General Dozla\'s stony face didn\'t budge. "Our theory is that the other party had advanced forward while our soldiers might have encountered a wild beast as they pursued them."

Edward pushed his long black hair to the back of his head. "How lucky could they be? But no more. My patience is running thin. Get me the Bugbear brothers."

". . ." If General Dozla was shocked, he didn\'t show it on his face.

The Bugbear brothers belonged to the beastmen race and were composed of four brothers in different classes. They were a popular mercenary group that did simple jobs of eliminating monsters too hard jobs of eliminating enemies.

Their success rate was above 80%, mainly because they didn\'t accept a job that they knew they couldn\'t win.

However, hiring this mercenary group caused an arm and a leg and they usually good at hunting players. They were one of the best in their field.

"Those bears are greedy, my lord."

Edward sneered in disdain. "What Volmont lack isn\'t coins. Get me those mercenary group at once."

"Yes, my Lord."

When General Dozla left, another advisor entered. With him was a pale, tall woman with a wavy dark violet hair and alluring frame.

"Hello, my lord," she curtsied. "My name is Patricia. You have known me by now as one of Amara\'s friends."


[Cross\'s POV]

We traveled on the road for two days, and we finally arrived in the run-down village with no crops growing in the dried soil while the huts on the side were either ruined or dilapidated.

I didn\'t know that I would miss this scenery since it meant that we were near in my territory now.

<We\'re nearing Dementia, too>

I slipped a look at Amara and found that she was in a good mood. She had a smile on her face despite the depressive environment we were in. It was almost a sin to destroy her lovely expression at this point.

<Good luck, Host>

It looks like my trip with Dementia will be cut short.

When the Shadow Forest was within view, Florin was about to take the safer and longer route.

"Florin," I warned her.

Florin grumbled under her breath before she looked over at her shoulder and beamed. "Florin might think that my Lord might want to view the scenery some more."

My brow raised.

"I will go and take the shorter route." She conceded with a sigh.

"Wait. Wait. Wait."

Of course, Jin had to intervene immediately because, apparently, he took on the role of being the mother of the group.

"Are you going to enter Shadow Forest?" Jin asked, eyes wide.

"It\'s the shortest route," I answered simply.

"You just wanted to see that cow," Florin muttered.

"Don\'t you know that there\'s a powerful Hag living in there that not even the Church could kill? That forest is full of the Hag\'s sorcery. Players and inhabitants alike don\'t even think of stepping foot in there!"

"Calm down." I waved a hand at him when Jin shot to his feet. "You don\'t have to worry a thing. I know that Hag . . . personally."

Amara gave me a side eye, but she didn\'t bother to say anything, which made it much worse. Her silence could really pull at my edges.

"Personally?" Jin wasn\'t convinced. "I don\'t know any instances where the Old Hag could be friends with a player. She used to lure players and inhabitants alike, using them as ingredients in her potions.

"She is, like, one of the top most wanted villains in the Kingdom! Are you sure this witch isn\'t just luring you into her hut so she could eat all of us?"

I got annoyed and corrected him, "Dementia doesn\'t eat players."

Jin paused, and he let out a weak laugh without mirth. "And she has a name. Great."

"I named her," I told him. "And you\'ll be surprised to find that she\'s very beautiful."

I regretted saying that as soon as it left my mouth.

Amara\'s piercing cold glare was gnawing at my bones.

Why did women had to be complicated creatures?

"Is that so?" She asked with an icy tone. "Is she one of your women, then?"

I cleared my throat and changed the topic. "Anyway, we\'re going there, and that\'s final."

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