
Chapter 48 I Am Useful


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"Ohhh... you vampires truly are interesting."

I said to Rize as we were talking for another two hours without rest, as there was nothing else to do to pass the time, but to disgust and sip the tea that Rize brewed and made.

We talked about all kinds of things, even the fact that I work for the world was disgusted, and how she used to be a pirate once upon a time as well.

"I\'m flattered, although how long are you going to keep me here?"

She asks as she grows tired of the surrounding area.

So I replied to her as such.

"As I said before, you shall stay here for twelve hours give or take, or until the third progenitor comes here personally so we can settle this matter through good old violence."

"So you\'re going to kill him?"

"Well that depends, if he pisses me off then that is a given."

"Then what about his son."

"Ohhh I am going to murder that little shit no question asks."

"Egh... but technically speaking in vampire years, that annoying little shit is still a minor, in short, he is still a child entering his pre-teen years."

However to Rize was surprised, Asmodeus elegantly stop drinking his tea, tilt his head side away to the right, and smirk menacingly as he said calmly in a cold tone.

"Fuck them, kids, does this look like the face of someone who gives a fuck about morals, it could be a toddler for all I care, and I still wouldn\'t give a fuck, even if it\'s unborn, if it annoys me, then I would stop at nothing to delete it, maybe the little fucker should have to think twice before touching my things."


My reply came off as extremely harsh and violent, so much so, Rize could help but say.

"You know for one who harbors the title of Lust, you are extremely violent, you sure Wrath isn\'t your title and sin."

"Hmmmm... no lust is my sin, although from what I heard, every Demon King has their unique way of representing their sins."

"Is that so?"

Rize replied as she poured herself another cup of vermillion tea, and if you are wondering how I end up around a table filled with cookies, cakes, and tea, you can say I was invited to a vampire tea party by Rize herself, you see the vampire inherit this custom from the flugels, and they only host such minor events when they find someone interesting and wants to speak with them, or when other noble vampires have something important to disgust.

And surprisingly enough Rize always keeps her tea set in her shadow which is an entirely different dimension filled with nothing but tea gear.

However, as she pours herself another cup she asks me a rather weird question, personal if anything.

"So what makes Your Lust unique then, if anything you just seem excessively violent, even when you are not trying to be violent, violence just seems to come natural for you?"

Rize said in a profound tone as if she already gauge my character from the short time we have kept each other company.


I responded with a neutral face, but I more or less figure out what she was trying to imply.

And now that I think about it, what really makes me lustful, or why I am lust, to begin with, the answer was simple, so I answer as such as I took a sip of the freshly brewed tea she poured for me.

"What makes me the sin of Lust ha?... an interesting question indeed, if I had to say, personally speaking, im not all that lustful at all, despite me being an incubus, I think I fail in being one, if anything I believed I became a Demon King of Lust based of my previous life current status and my hate for everything."

But as I said this out loud Rize\'s eye raised a brow as she ask.

"The former status you say, can you elaborate?"

Rize asks with an intrigued smile which was kind of rare.

So I indulge her, as I responded as such.

"Well it\'s not like it\'s a secret or anything, but before I became a Demon King I was once a human, my real name is Damien, although I abandon that name, and Inherit the name Asmodeus from my master and creator Akashina."

"Say what now?"

Rize asks with a confused expression that was even rarer as she barely even has any emotional expressions, to begin with, so it caught me off guard as I asked with an even more confused expression.

"What is there a problem or something?"

Surprisingly enough she got back to her usual expressionless demeanor as she fix her composure immediately and shake off the previous concerns with a simple reply.

"Agh... no it\'s nothing don\'t worry about it, although how were you before you became what you are now, seeing that you are a handsome and tall man that can charm even a vampire such as myself, you must have been quite a chad in your previous life before you became a Demon King, am I right?"

However, when she said this I couldn\'t help but remember all the horrible things I went through as a human, especially the inhumane things my father did to me, for having the appearance of my mother, but strangely enough, I don\'t feel anger, instead, I felt nothing.

It was a weird feeling, it was as if my emotions were lessening as time goes on, but despite being aware of this, I felt neither sadness nor concern, if anything it is the opposite, I honestly think being emotionless or numb to feelings would allow me to make the most optimal decision in the future without worrying, or without hesitation.

After all, the hardest choices demand the strongest of will, but in my case, nothing will be hard, it simply doing it without concern or worry.

Although if that were to happen I would be nothing but a machine, then and again, I already know what I was signing up for when I made a pact with Akashina, so it\'s not like I have a right to complain about anything that happens to me, this life is far better than my old life as Damien.

And I would not trade it for anything, I have zero attachment to my humanity, I have zero attachment to my family, and I have zero attachment to anything else, I have a purpose now, I am needed now, I am loved now because I am useful because I am Asmodeus the Demon King of Lust, the one keep balance, the one who destroys, and the one who serves with a passion.

My mother\'s already dead and with that the only person I considered family is gone so what is the point of worrying about the rest, no! what\'s the point of worrying about anything else?

I kill, I enjoy, I serve, and I correct, that is my life principle in a nutshell.

Kind of strange to be honest, It was as if all the rage I had saved up over the years, just disappear as it all seem so meanless, however, I still want to torment them in the most inhumane and horrendous way possible, not out of complete vengeance like before, but mostly for my self-satisfaction, as I think their screams and cry for help and forgiveness would seem very entertaining.

"Hmmm entertaining indeed maybe I should make it a Live event, so sister can see it as well."

But I soon snap out of my personal thoughts as Rize said to me.

"If you don\'t want to answer then you don\'t have to."

But as she said this I took a long sip of my tea as I replied as such.

"No... it\'s not that, it\'s just your question took me by surprise is all, well to begin with my Lust is something no one but me could truly understand, but to summarize my love and lust in a nutshell, then it is just well... hmmm... agh that the world I\'m looking for, my love and my lust are just "necessary" is all... I don\'t love anything in particular, I see sex as just pleasure and entertainment, I see reproduction as nothing but multiplying to continue life, and the concept of love is just well convenient and stupid at the same time I guess, my love is nothing special, I have none to give that is not relevant is what im trying to say."

Rize listens close to Asmodeus\'s words, and everything he has said till now just made her think one thing as she replied as such.

"Your way of thinking is just sad."


"What\'s the point of life if you can\'t enjoy love."


"Maybe my words are just meanless, but if you continue like this, you\'re better off dead."


"Then and again, it\'s like you said, no one but you can understand you, because your way of thinking I just can\'t agree with, you\'re not a God, nor a Demon in my eyes, your just a loss human no offense, It like you\'re afraid of your humanity, hehehe... not like I am one to talk, but if I can change the time I would prefer to live and to die as a human, well I hope to wherever you are heading in life you find happiness, even if it just happiness in your purpose alone."


"No response."

"Well is there a need to respond, you said what you think and I said what I think, your opinion and advice mean nothing to me because I have decided where I am going because as the one who corrects I am not subjugated to one world, I responsible for all that is my destiny, that\'s why to be the best at what I do I need to be just as stronger or almost as strong as the world?"

"The world ha... hahaha.... that\'s a good one, well I won\'t discourage you I wish you all the best, but according to the tiny freak of nature Gaia this so-called mother of his and yours Is a tier-0 existence, she exists outside all things, you can\'t reach her no matter how hard you try, the woman is so strong she takes away and play with other gods respected verse for fun and enjoyment, and just add it to hers own out of boredom."

"You seem to know a lot about Akashina."

"I know a thing or two about her existence, that overpowered cow of a woman is an acquired taste indeed if you meet her, you would be convinced your nothing but a character in a book, she sees everything as words on paper, if she loses it because she wants to, the only good thing about her is that she doesn\'t directly interfere too much with the mortal world."

Rize replied as she takes another sip of her tea.

And I respond as such.

"Scrap that you seem to know a lot about the world, tell me why do you know so much."

"Well let\'s just say, my immortality was caused by one of her failed products, so when you tell me earlier that you work for her, I wasn\'t all that surprised, to be honest, it\'s seem like something she would do out of boredom."

"I see, truly your a very interesting vampire Rize."

"I can say the same for you as well Asmodeus, anything I can\'t categorize you as the same existence as an Omicron, I feel that you are way above that, although you are still young, your growth potential is limitless, I look forward to seeing what kind of monster you will become in the next 100 no 10 years, you might even be a God by then seeing your insane growth speed."

"Who knows, but can you excuse me for a minute?"

"Why so?"

"Well in the next 60 seconds a giant wave of lightning will strike me from above."

"Hmmm... lighting you say."


And as Rize said the sound of distant thunder could be heard coming from the south.

And using my eyes of truth I see a giant bird heading my way at a fast pace.

"Well, it\'s about time something fun comes my way."

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