
Chapter 276 - Saozi Or Yao Gege

It seemed the honeymoon period in this relationship had already ended before it began. As long as these two were around he couldn\'t casually pounce on Ji Yao. "Okay fine, but after we are done you shouldn\'t stick around otherwise you will go blind," said Rui Fei with an ever so serious expression.

What he meant was after they were done looking at the keystone they had to leave immediately because he will no longer care who is around as he continues with what he was doing before.

Just the thought of continuing with what they were doing earlier made Ji Yao shiver involuntarily. The part where he got bitten was throbbing when he recalled how he was pounced on. Even his ears were hot and a vivid bright red from all the embarrassment.

He cleared his throat loudly pushing down the not so innocent thoughts creeping into his brain. "Give me the keystone and let me take a look," he said with his hand stretched out towards Rui Fei but the youth just stared at him with a bright smile as though expecting something first.

Rui Fei should have obediently handed over the keystone as he should but he couldn\'t do it. It wouldn\'t feel right unless he teased Ji Yao first. With a slight turn of his cheek, he pointed at it and said, "Nothing is for free."

Surprisingly the complaints that followed came from not Ji Yao but Rui Yewan. He had a limit on the amount of dog food he could tolerate and today he had already reached over the limit. "Ai dage, I promise we will leave you alone for an entire week after this. You two can snuggle and smooch however times you like and in any position you like.... just please stop with the abuse for now," he spoke passionately but it seemed his speech fell on deaf ears.

"Speak for yourself," replied Rui Li who had an extremely high tolerance to this kind of dog food.

If this was Lady Ching Sei and Zhang Li she would complain to the high heavens and force Rui Yewan to blind her for an entire week. But when it came to LanYue and especially YaoFei she wanted to watch until the r rated setting kicks in. Yes, she was a little pervert and sadly she was incurable.

"Go ahead saozi, give him a sweet kiss on the cheek. We are all waiting," she said with expectant eyes.

Rui Fei, "....."

Ji Yao, "..."

Okay, even Rui Fei was creeped out by his sister\'s eagerness. Because of that, he would rather save the kiss for later instead of doing it right in front of his sister.

"If you want to see something go read your novels you little pervert," said Rui Fei before taking out the keystone that had been a part of him for a while now.

Ji Yao\'s face was extremely hot from being referred to as saozi. He just hoped he wasn\'t blushing too much otherwise that would be even more embarrassing.

He studied the keystone with a bleak look in his eyes as though lost in thought. He was wondering what to expect inside this keystone when looking for the next one. Maybe this time it would be easy. There would be a tranquil paradise with the keystone placed on a pedestal ready for anyone to take it with no consequences.

The dazzling luminous brightness from the keystone attracted the other three like insects attracted to bug zap light. It was magnificent and something out of this world but there was a hidden sense of danger within it that prompted them to keep their distance.

"Saozi, how many do you have right now," asked Rui Yewan in such a haze that he didn\'t realise what he just said. Forgive him for his muddle headedness. If it weren\'t for Rui Li saying it before he wouldn\'t have unconsciously said it as well.

Ji Yao abruptly turned his head to look at him before voicing his thoughts. "You shouldn\'t call me that?" he said before putting down his hand holding the keystone.

He wanted to explain further but before he could speak Rui Fei scooched over till their bodies were plastered together. Putting on a wounded expression he nudged Ji Yao before performing a dramatic scene straight out of Romeo and Juliet. Okay, maybe Romeo and Juliet was a little too dramatic for comparison but he was still so dramatic.

"You don\'t want to be my wang fei? Yao-ge..... I thought you liked me," he said in a whisper as though afraid someone would hear what he was saying.

Ji Yao was dumbstruck at how dramatic this cub was being. It was like dealing with a husky. The word no could have it singing like it was auditioning to be a part of the orchestra.

Unwilling to be misunderstood he leaned closer with his hand brushing against Rui Fei\'s thigh. "I didn\'t mean it like that," he whispered, "you can call me wang fei in private but they can\'t call me saozi. They can call me Jiefu or Yao-ge or Dage but they can\'t call me saozi especially not in public."

Rui Fei\'s expression took a hundred and eighty-degree turn as a duchenne smile appeared on his face. He wanted to pounce on Ji Yao again but recalling how his sister would be watching them like a creep he changed his mind. Taking a mental note of this account he told himself to collect payment later.

"Yes, you two call him something else," said Rui Fei so thrilled you would think he hit jackpot.

"Okay... how about Yao gege," said Rui Li clearly stirring the pot. As expected Rui Fei didn\'t like that address very much. If anyone was going to call out gege to Ji Yao it could only be him.

Rui Fei grabbed the cushion and threw it at her. The cushion hit her squarely in the face as she giggled in excitement. "Yao gege, dage is hitting people," she said confidently because Ji Yao was around. Rui Fei wouldn\'t dare be excessive in her saozi\'s presence.

Ji Yao ignored the two and carefully scrutinized the keystone. Already he felt so drawn to it like it was calling out to him. He could hear the three arguing in the background but the longer he stared at the keystone the less he could hear. Their voices were fading in the background.

For some reason, he recalled Rui Yewan\'s question at this moment so he answered it absent-mindedly his expression distant. "Four," he said ending the heated discussion on the background, "we have four and need to find the....." Ji Yao didn\'t get to finish his sentence as his consciousness was dragged into the keystone.

Rui Fei calmly lay Ji Yao\'s head on his shoulder but internally he was a little anxious.. He hated this part the most because it exposed Ji Yao to unknown things.

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