
Chapter 580 The Conspiracy Theory (2)

"The perfect conspiracy theory?" Seeker asked.

"Yes. We introduce the concept of typology to everyone. This has always been a fascinating field, but people were not interested mainly because no one believed it. But The literal fulfillment of the Bible will entice many to study its secrets. It will have an iceberg\'s depth of theological connections. This will make it a great material for conspiracy theorists to compose their content to share with the world. They will be the watchmen of towers that will see the fulfillment of the Word."

"Typology... Well... A lot have done that in the past. How many Christians were scammed by groups claiming they knew the end of the world because of bizarre and crazy interpretations of signs and symbols? It has proven to be effective! But now, we can shape things and have the power to fulfill them! We shoot arrows first and paint targets to make our actions match biblical symbology and typology."

"Isn\'t there a danger in doing this? Interpreting and recreating these events can become chaotic. It may even be used against us."

"Eagle, my son has a point. Just like a person\'s position in Eschatology, the interpretation of the Bible can have different conclusions depending on the theological views. Covenant, new covenant, biblical theology, historical, systematic, practical, and even the more minor branches of theology will change the way things may be interpreted. Some will interpret things more metaphorically. If we pursue a literal interpretation of the Bible, our enemies can twist it and make allegories. We might become the enemies if they play their cards right and do stuff that\'s in the Bible." Lennox answered.

"That has happened..." Seeker agreed.

"They tried to twist things even in my time. And they were surprisingly good at it."

"I know. That\'s why most of the world fought against us. It\'s alright. Our numbers will still increase. Because versus the allegorical, the literal is easier to understand. Conspiracy theories must have some form of the reasoning behind them. If we do things literally, it\'ll be easy to follow and anticipate. Your fear that the Aragarians will use this against us and even paint us as the Anti Christ happen. But most of the world will follow us because we will follow the canon."

"Canon? Like in... anime?" Gardo asked.

"Did you know that the popularization of the term \'canon,\' which is now used to refer to the official continuity of a work of literature like Star Wars, animated series, and the like, was originally used more often for the Bible? Canon is from the Hebrew-Greek work that means \'cane\' or \'measuring rod\'. In its original usage, the canon of the Bible is the test to determine which book included is inspired by the Holy Spirit. Which book to include in the Bible for the Torah, and later, the New Testament canon, which made the books that were being passed on during the first Century church the official book we now call the Bible. So we go by a canon. A literal interpretation of things. We have to manipulate everything so that many markers of biblical history will be remade. We will not publicize or highlight it but only leak a few obscure blogs on the web and let the internet do its job."

"If we do as you said, will it not make Judaism the go-to religion?" Seeker asked.

"People see Christianity as this \'New Testament\' religion and make a distinction between that and Judaism. So why not go for Judaism if we are to fulfill Old Testament stuff since everything we do will strictly cater to Jewish history?" Seeker argued.

"Matthew 2:15. Out of Egypt, I called my Son. The New Testament quotes and butchers an Old Testament verse. This is originally in Hosea 11:1. The full verse is this... When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt, I called my son." Eagle answered.

"Matthew made an allegorical exposition of Hosea 11?"

"Yes and no. Actually, it\'s a hint. Proverbs 25:2. It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out. This verse is a joyfully concealed one. You read Hosea 11 is clearly talking about Israel. Why did the New Testament writer, Matthew, say such a crazy phrase if he is, as Christians claim to be, \'inspired by the Holy Spirit? The answer is rather simple. Israel is a foreshadowing of what Christ will do."

"Israel hints what Christ will do?"

"What did Christ do when he left Egypt? Let\'s skip the child days and go directly to when he begins his ministry. Remember, Israel had to stay in Egypt to multiply and mature as a nation, and Christ had to stay in Egypt for a few years."

"After leaving Egypt and growing up... there was the temptation in the wilderness. Christ spent 40 days in the desert and was tempted by the devil." Lioncourt answered.

"No. Not yet. He didn\'t begin his ministry until a certain event." Arthur corrected.

"The answer is baptism. He was baptized by John the Baptist." Arthur turned to Eagle.

"Yes. The baptism of water. Do you know that the priests of Israel must be baptized or washed in water? In Exodus 29, right before Aaron begins his service as a priest, he is commanded to bathe. The same thing happened to Christ. Jesus said he did not come to destroy the Prophet\'s laws but fulfill them. His baptism was the way to fulfill Scripture. And since Israel is a foreshadowing of the Christ, Israel must also be baptized."

"Israel wasn\'t baptized," Lynd said.

"Actually, they were.." Lioncourt smiled.

"Right. They crossed the sea. The miracle of the parting seas and Israel crossing the sea is what Eagle believes in representing Christ\'s baptism!" Seeker added.

"Exactly. Out of Egypt, I call my son. The typology, the foreshadowing, Israel, who is by implication the son of God in this verse, walks out. Get baptized, and Christ was tempted in the desert for 40 days. Just as Israel wandered in the desert for forty years and was tested by God, if you carefully read the account of the devil tempting Jesus, you will see that all of Jesus\'s answer was taken from Deuteronomy. The book where Israel was wandering in the desert. The temptations and answers are all connected or similar to Israel\'s temptations in the desert. I won\'t bore you with the details, but you can check it out afterward. But you see, it\'s easy to tie everything to Christianity. And while we could still go the Jewish route, we have a problem. The Way and the Truth."

"Oh..." Lynd and Seeker answered together.

"You have already assumed these titles. And we\'ve already started digging this... some, of course, because of my prodding, to keep things New Testamenty." Eagle smiled.

Many began to sigh and shake their heads as they could tell Eagle was clearly biased in his worldview.

"And then next... is the book of Joshua, right? So if we are to follow this, Jesus would have to fulfill the book of Joshua."

"Jesus is the English transliteration of a Greek rendition of the Hebrew name. And that Hebrew name is Yeshua. A variation of Joshua. The Book of Joshua is crucial if we adopt this perspective of how we fulfill prophecies of the Bible. It talks about how Israel conquered most of the promised land. We can do this. We conquer most of Earth."

"We conquer most of the Earth? Wow. That sounds very... easy." Hermes chuckled.

"We just need to conquer enough to make it look like the book of Joshua is happening. Then, we don\'t even need to wage war! A little threat and I\'m sure many of these nations will change their flags."

"What if we lose these countries when the Aragarians arrive?" Lynd asked.

"Yes. We cannot hold on to all those nations. And what if they change sides and side with the Presiders all of a sudden?"

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ "It\'s alright. Suppose we manage to hold on to these countries even when all those Presiders arrive, good. If we lose these countries, it will still go hand to hand with biblical history. When Jesus was incarnated right as the years of the AD began, it was to fulfill the books of the Exodus, Deuteronomy, and Numbers. When he died and rose again, Christianity was followed only by a hundred, maybe less than a thousand, faithful men and women. They were small seed that was nothing compared to the heathens of the Roman God worship. Then what happened?"

"Kratos killed the Roman pantheon?" Vender joked.

No one laughed.

"Christianity exploded out in the form of Roman Catholicism through Constantine, and later, they conquered many nations," Lioncourt answered.

"Yes! This religion spread through natural conversion or Holy Wars. The Phil-Pangean natives are a testament to this. Since Spain conquered them and forced Catholicism down their throats, the Philippines and even Phil-Pangea continue to hold on to this as the dominant religion. From a handful of followers, Christianity became the dominant religion. The spiritual fulfillment of Joshua has happened. Christ has conquered nations, and the Word was preached. Joshua is fulfilled. What\'s the next book?"

"Samson and Goliath," Amir answered.

"Bruh... You need to brush up on your Bible reading. It\'s Samsung and Bathsheba." Vender corrected.

Eagle sighed.

"Samson and Delilah. And it\'s sort of correct... I guess? The tale of Samson is found in the Book of Judges. And we are in the era of the Judges. Christ, who is Joshua, caused the world to tremble at this once insignificant religion. But since Christ ascended and Joshua in the book of Joshua died, Israel remained leaderless and was without kings. The book of Judges record how Israel would fall into the hands of oppressors. But no matter what, Israel survived and endured even when they lost their country to invaders numerous times. If our enemies can conquer and compel nations that once allied with us to switch sides, it\'s still part of our canon."

"Then the conquest of Joshua will be our next mission. While we can make the rest of the nations be some symbolical fulfillment, we still need to conquer the Promised Land literally."

"Yes. We are to follow Biblical history. We will massacre our way into the Caliphates and push back the hold of Pridgeon. We have a short time since we have to fulfill them right before those other Presiders arrive. If we lose the Caliphates after... we don\'t need to worry. But... It\'s best if we part the Red Sea first. Do you all understand the mission?"

Everyone nodded except for a few.

"I guess so. Following and fulfilling the Bible literally should be easy enough for us." Meryl shrugged.

"Stick to the Bible\'s timeline, and ask your strategist what to do next. Everyone... Until we meet again. Now it\'s time for us to leave. Remember. The Presiders should have figured out our methods of communication and will have infiltrated our ranks. Instead, we allowed them to so that they would think they knew our plans. Now go out there and fulfill the Word!"

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