
Chapter 164

While Lee Gong-Myung was fighting against Kang Chul-In in the western canyon…

“Kang Chul-In… you rat-like bastard!”

Baruk Al-Yusuf was red-faced with anger .

“Chase! Quickly! Chase after him right now!!! Go!”

This rage of his was what forced the soldiers of Anatolia to chase after Kang Chul-In and attempt to catch him .

Even though many soldiers started to fall down to the ground due to this forced marching, Baruk Al-Yusuf didn’t care .

In order to catch Kang Chul-In, Baruk Al-Yusuf was prepared to do anything .

Who cared if some troops died during the march?

To Baruk Al-Yusuf, the soldiers were expendable chess pieces that could be replaced at any time .


“S-Stop! You’re stepping on me! Stop!”

Some of the fallen troops were ‘team killed’ by their fellow Anatolian soldiers that stepped on them . This happened because thousands of soldiers had to march down a narrow path .

“Go! Don’t stop!”

But without taking so much as a glance at the fallen soldiers, Baruk Al-Yusuf urged the soldiers to go on .

Kang Chul-In…

The only thing that filled Baruk Al-Yusuf’s mind right now was revenge against Kang Chul-In .

You dare…? My beard . . . I won’t let you go! I will make you experience all of the torture that exists in this world… all of it!

Baruk Al-Yusuf’s chin was in an absolute mess . Even though he had barely managed to dodge Kang Chul-In’s vortex, it had still skimmed his chin .

Thanks to this, the beard and mustache that Baruk Al-Yusuf had spent so long growing had been ripped off completely . He had lost his ‘pride’ as a Muslim man .


When the Anatolian army finally made its way over to the western valley, a messenger came running from the direction of the Bittermoon territory and started to shout .

“Great Khalifa-!”

The messenger shouted .

“Khalifa… We need to stop the army…”

At this abrupt shout, Baruk Al-Yusuf turned his head and stared at the messenger .

The face of the messenger was completely pale, and as if he were terrified .


The messenger made his way over to Baruk Al-Yusuf, and kneeled down in front of the Giant Lizard .

“E-Emergency, it’s an emergency!”

Even though this was his job, the messenger was shivering in fright . He was afraid of how Baruk Al-Yusuf would react to his news .

“Emergency…? What is it?”


“Speak quickly! What has happened that makes you tell me to turn the army around?”

Baruk Al-Yusuf asked the messenger .

Even though he was going to listen to what this ‘emergency’ was, he was still planning on chasing after Kang Chul-In . He wasn’t planning on turning his army around for something unless it threatened his territory .


“ . . . . . . ”

“P-Please don\'t get too angry…”

“Shut up, and talk already!”

“T-The thing is… Anatolia…”

“ . . . !”

“Overlord Hecate has started to rain explosives down on our farmlands…”


Baruk Al-Yusuf’s eyes widened .

Overlord Hecate?

Why would Hecate, who was in the very west of Ishtar start to attack the farmlands of Anatolia?


But that wasn’t the end .

“Overlord Dorian Explorer has lead special forces and has descended onto the Anatolia mosque to terrorize the place using bombs…”


“Y-Yes, Khalifa…! And apparently, he even left a message for you in your bedroom . ”

With trembling hands, the messenger handed a scroll over to Baruk Al-Yusuf .

What was written on the scroll was a language that the Pangeans couldn’t understand .

You reap what you sow! Lol :)

By: Dorian Edward Explorer

“T-T-This… . ”

Reading this message, Baruk Al-Yusuf’s face seemed like it was about to explode from rage .

Truth be told, he didn’t think that the poor and slovenly Dorian Explorer would dare to terrorize his territory like this .

He also didn’t know that he would terrorize them using Islam methods .

Dorian’s terror attack was actually an act of small revenge .

Formerly part of the British Special Forces, or the ‘SAS’, Dorian hated Islam terrorists after losing his friends in battle .

Since Baruk Al-Yusuf was the one manly behind some of those deaths, Dorian had written the message ‘you reap what you sow’ as revenge .

“Dorian Explorer… I will also take your head!”

Though it was obvious, Baruk Al-Yusuf didn’t try to understand Dorian’s message . He was just angry at these terrorism attempts .

“Alright . ”


“I understand now, so tell this to Jellet . I will return after catching Kang Chul-In with my army . ”

Rather than returning to his own territory at that instant, Baruk Al-Yusuf decided to continue to chase Kang Chul-In while leaving the other things to his secretary, Jellet .

Kang Chul-In . You used Dorian and Hecate to shake my territory, huh? Huhu… It doesn’t matter . Do you think that Anatolia would really fall so easily?

Baruk Al-Yusuf had his own plans .

I can just restore my farmlands after, and I can take crops from nearby Lords if we start to lack food .

Although he did lose his elites, Baruk Al-Yusuf still had a big army numbering over ten thousand .


But after listening to the messenger’s following report, Baruk Al-Yusuf had no choice but to change his plans .

“T-The thing is…”

“ . . . ?”

“The Lords of the 4 nearby territories have also started to attack Anatolia at the same time . The situation isn’t looking so good…”

“ . . . !”

“Not only that . . . !”

It seemed that the sky was falling down on Baruk Al-Yusuf when he heard that 4 more Lords were attacking him, but it seemed that the messenger wasn’t finished talking just yet .

“The territories that we had conquered have simultaneously started to rebel against us . Our territory’s slaves have also gone outside, and . . . ”

“ . . . !”

“According to secretary Jellet, it will be difficult to last for even 3 days if the Khalifa doesn’t return!”

“T-This…! This…”


“Shut up!”

“ . . . !”

“You dare to give me such terrible news!?”

Baruk Al-Yusuf started to take his anger out on the poor messenger .

And he didn’t stop at just shouting at him .

“Eat him right now!”

“K-Khalifa! P-Please have m…”


Baruk Al-Yusuf ordered his giant Lizard, or what was commonly known as the ‘desert dragon’ .


Tilting his head as if saying ‘lucky me’,


The messenger was eaten alive by the desert dragon .


Crack crack!

The terrifying sound of cracking bones could be heard, and from the desert dragon\'s mouth, the messenger’s blood could be seen leaking out . If the messenger had made a mistake, it was giving this bad news to Baruk Al-Yusuf .

“Kang Chul-In… you lucky bastard…”

Baruk Al-Yusuf gritted his teeth .

“Hmph! Though I am retreating,”

Baruk Al-Yusuf murmured .

“You are still playing into the hands of Lee Gong-Myung, so I will have you kneel by my feet eventually!”

It was too early to be disappointed .

Baruk Al-Yusuf still believed that Lee Gong-Myung would avenge him, and bring Kang Chul-In’s head to him .

“All troops… Retreat!”

Still reluctant, Baruk Al-Yusuf was forced to command his troops to go back .


At the same time---

“Kuu… very good!”

From afar, Kwak-Jung watched as the Laputa soldiers tore through the Anatolian soldiers .

“Come on now, finish it already!”

The battle was so one-sided that the number of injured or deceased Laputa soldiers could be counted on one hand .

“Hmm… Let’s go to plan B since we’re almost finished here…”

Kwak-Jung murmured with a sinister smile on his face .

“Strategist Kwak, what do you mean?”

James, who was next to him, asked .

“Weren’t we going to wait here for our lord?”

“Huh? Wait for the lord?”

“ . . . ?”

“Hey, why are you worrying about someone who’s obviously going to get out alive? I’m telling you, that’s a waste of energy . Don’t worry . ”

“ . . . !”

“Our lord is a monster . He’s probably out there taking stuff that’s worth some money while running away leisurely . ”

As if Kwak-Jung had psychic powers, he was able to somehow guess Kang Chul-In’s item situation .

“Strategist Kwak!”

James raised his voice .

“Although our lord is strong, there is a limit to how strong a person can be . Even if he does come out safely, if Baruk Al-Yusuf takes his army and chases after our lord…”


“ . . . ?”

“Right now, that psychopathic terrorist doesn’t have the leisure to chase our lord . The fire that has fallen onto his foot needs to be taken care of first, so he probably isn’t chasing our lord . The probability that he has turned his troops around are… maybe 99 . 9%? Well, that’s just what I’m guessing . Pfft . ”

“Huh? Turned his troops around? That Baruk Al-Yusuf?”

“Yes, that very one . ”

“H-How do you…?”

“I mean, his territory is getting destroyed as we speak, so would he not turn his troops around? At this point…”

Kwak-Jung spoke, while laughing .

“His territory is in the middle of being ruined . Kyakyakya!”

After laughing for quite a while, Kwak-Jung’s eyes started shining . The battle had finally finished .

“Now, let’s go . ”

“Go? Go where? Are we going to save our lord?”

James asked .

“Hmph… I told you, that’s a waste of energy . ”

“ . . . ?”

“We will throw away our Lord!”


Kwak-Jung spoke words that would make any official startled .

“We will head north . ”


“Well, we can’t let them go home so easily… Huhuhu…”

Rather than trying to save Kang Chul-In, Kwak-Jung wanted to stop Baruk Al-Yusuf from returning to his territory .

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