
Chapter 107:

Chapter 107: <Chapter 106>

Broadway and 99th street.

It was the area often crowded with people leaving Times Square. It was a familiar place for Silje, but she realized that something was different.

The place Christian took her was within New York, but Silje had never been here before. It seemed like a secret hidden place.

Silje and Christian left the café and got into his limousine. Christian ordered casually, “Let’s go to Hemingway in lower Manhattan. I am taking this lady with me.”

After fifteen minutes, they were there.

‘It’s like Santa Claus’ reindeer sled,’ Silje thought as she watched the white limousine leave smoothly. Christian smiled at her.

“Now, let’s go inside. Like I said, the night is just starting.”

As he promised, Hemingway Bar was marvelous.

Burgundy velvet curtains and black mahogany flooring greeted her. A 19th century grand piano and Spanish interior indeed made the place look like they were in Barcelona rather than in New York.

The hostess approached them with a familiar smile. She clearly knew Christian, and she guided them to an elegant brown mahogany bookcase. Like magic, she pushed it and behind the bookcase, a secret bar appeared.

Christian gestured exaggeratedly for Silje.

“This is the place I told you about. A cave in New York. Won’t you go in with me?”

“Of course. I accept your invitation.”

She didn’t look away shyly. Instead, she looked right into his eyes, making Christian smile. Escorted by him, Silje walked in.


She exclaimed as soon as she saw the inside.

It really looked like she was in Spain. A maze-like path, gothic furniture, and Gaudi-style structures... The bar indeed reminded Silje of Malaga, Spain.

It looked like the sun was inside the cave because everything was white. It made the place magically bright. There was a palm tree that created a wonderful shade and the bar was decorated with Islamic-gothic metal bookcases, leather-bound books, and candlesticks. There was a basket filled with exotic fruits, making it look very inviting.

The walls and the floors were adorned with Islamic style mosaic tiles, and Silje wondered how a place so mysterious could exist in the middle of New York without her knowledge.

Christian raised his glass.

“What do you think? Do you like it? I would like to make a toast for my special guest tonight.”

Silje raised her non-alcoholic cocktail and their glasses clinked. Christian seemed interested in everything Silje did. He continued to smile and study her.

Today, Christian was wearing a long white shirt designed by Raf Simons. It had an unusual leaf pattern, and as he picked up a fruit from the basket to take a bite, he looked like he was at home in this place.

Silje thought he reminded her of a pilgrim visiting a religious cave.

She stared at the man who brought her to such a unique place. A man who allowed her to escape her normal life for the night.


Why did she find him so interesting? Christian was able to break down her wall easily. She even found watching him eat to be memorable.

Christian was very knowledgeable in Spanish culture. When she asked him what kind of books he liked, Christian answered slowly.

“No matter how many times I get asked that question, the answer is always the same. My favorite book is ‘Meditations on Quixote’ by Jose Ortega y Gasset. Every time I read it, I fall in love with it all over again. You should try it too when you get a chance. I think you might also like ‘I Am Not I’ by Juan Ramon. Lorca’s poems are also very memorable.”

This was a night she could never forget.

Christian smiled and asked her, “Now, tell me why you came to New York from Norway, Silje. I will tell you about Denmark after I hear your story.”

“You really want to know? Alright, but you better be ready for it. This is going to be a two-way street. I don’t like it when things aren’t fair. If I tell you my story, it would mean you have to give up yours too. Right, Christian?”

A challenge.

At her cold voice, Christian grinned and raised his glass again in agreement.

“Then let’s toast for the two of us, the lonely souls lost in New York. Cheers to you, Silje!”

He sounded amused and Silje took a deep breath. She was ready. She wanted to tell him her story.

“Alright, then here it goes. I was originally born in Korea and I was immediately adopted to Norway. My Korean name is Shinae Kim. My adoptive parents renamed me Silje Kim Pettersen. I first met him when I was seventeen years old. A boy I could never forget...”

That night, in the secret cave in New York, her voice rang clearly. Christian remained silent as he listened. He drank mostly carbonated water while he ordered vodka for Silje.

It was an unforgettable night for them. They got close as they shared each other’s secrets.

They shared the deepest part of themselves in the dark New York cave.


It looked like a frozen castle.

A giant soulless place.

Mondrian’s piece hung on the wall that was lit dimly. Black sofa, gothic table, and decorative swords on the wall...

The room lacked any warmth or coziness. It was filled with only sadness and misery of its owner.

“We have completed the take over of Gladimir Group. The final paperwork will be done by mid next month at the latest.”

“And it won’t affect the oil business take over process?”

“Everything is going according to your plan, sir. There were some complaints from the directors, but it won’t be a problem. There is nothing for you to worry about.”

Kail didn’t reply, which made him nervous.

“Is there a problem, sir?”

A long heavy silence fell as Kail stared.

Thick-framed glasses, bow tie, and black suit. Hans was a short slight man and looked like an average office worker, but he worked for Kail Bruntland.

Felicien worked in the dark for Bruntland, while Hans took care of everything else for Kail. He was, in a sense, Kail Bruntland’s business butler.

The most recent project Hans took care of was the Russian oil project in the Kara Sea. The deal was to be made with Russia’s biggest oil refinery company.

This company, in which the Russian government was the biggest shareholder, was heavily involved in crude oil and natural gas production. There had been some political issues between America and Russia, which affected the business financially, but Kail believed in this project and pushed on.

And he was right. Things were going perfectly according to his plan, and as the youngest heir to one of the biggest companies in the world, Kail was the talk of the town among the world’s top energy company CEOs.

The Bruntland Group had been pursuing the oil business for generations, but this was the first time ever for its CEO to act this aggressively. With his success, Kail was recognized and accepted by all as the rightful head of the Bruntland family and group.

And to Hans, Kail Bruntland was someone to fear.

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