
Chapter 837: Pushing Ahead (2)

“My liege! I’ve committed a grave sin for not paying my respects for so long! Please forgive this sinful servant!” Chang Min passionately cried out.

“Welcome back, Assembly Master,” said Bang Jin-Hun.

Kang Jin-Ho stepped inside the Martial Assembly\'s conference room amid the outpouring of welcomes. He smiled a little while receiving everyone\'s colorful greetings.

“It feels like I haven\'t seen you guys in a very long time.”

While Kang Jin-Ho headed to the seat of honor, Lee Hyeon-Su followed him inside the conference room and bowed his head to each and every person.

Besides Vator, Wiggins, Chang Min, and Bang Jin-Hun, Elena and Zhang Dajing were also present in the conference room. They sat behind their respective "bosses," perhaps to offer their translation services.

Kang Jin-Ho settled down on the couch and immediately felt at ease.

‘Hmm. I haven’t felt this way in a while.’

Kang Jin-Ho had to admit that this position used to bother him a lot. To be more precise, it wasn\'t the position but the implication of the position that had been bothering him all this time. A decision he made without a care could change the fate of many people. Knowing that, how could he not feel burdened by his position?

However, what about now?

‘I feel lighter.’

Kang Jin-Ho’s mind was clear, his thoughts uncluttered. So much so that each molecule of air touching his face felt so vivid and refreshing. It seemed the negative effects of his heart demon were more severe than he initially thought.

“Oh, before we start…?” Lee Hyeon-Su raised his hand to draw Kang Jin-Ho\'s attention before pointing to the end of the conference room. “Sir, it\'s okay to smoke whenever you want. We\'ve finally installed air purifiers in here, you see? Not just one, either, sir. We\'ve got two of them.”

Kang Jin-Ho blinked his eyes. “...Eh?”

“Sir? Is there a problem?”

“N-no, not really…” Kang Jin-Ho sheepishly looked away after realizing the truth. It seemed science had come a long way in the modern era, seeing how it could improve the air quality so drastically!

Kang Jin-Ho coughed to clear his throat and glanced at Lee Hyeon-Su next. “Can you install one in my office, too?”

“It should be in the middle of installation, sir.”

“Kuh~! I’m telling you, you have an impeccable sense of timing!” Bang Jin-Hun suddenly chimed in.

There was still a hint of awkwardness between Bang Jin-Hun and Lee Hyeon-Su, even now. Which was understandable, considering they were enemies vying for each other\'s blood not too long ago.

The story between Kang Jin-Ho and Lee Hyeon-Su wasn’t any different, of course. However, the one holding the reins in this relationship, so to speak, was clearly Kang Jin-Ho. No one could raise their objections regarding this arrangement as long as Kang Jin-Ho was fine with it.

However, Bang Jin-Hun\'s relationship with Lee Hyeon-Su was different. On top of that, the influence these men wielded in their respective organizations was about the same, too.

No wonder they were still a little cautious even now. They would\'ve never worked under the same roof had it not been for Kang Jin-Ho bringing them together like this.

Bang Jin-Hun glanced at Kang Jin-Ho. “By the way, sir? Your expression looks better today.”

Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head. “Hmm? You think so?”

“You’d walk in here with a heavy frown, then with a bright face the next day… But now, it’s like you’ve found your equilibrium. Sir, I’m telling you, please don’t have such extreme mood swings. That will only give your subordinates a massive headache.”

Kang Jin-Ho could only chuckle wryly at that.

Every once in a while, Bang Jin-Hun would speak directly like this. Of course, what he said was a piece of sensible advice.

If the boss walked around with a frown deeply etched on his face, the subordinates would naturally shrink back in fear and dread. Even though they knew their boss\'s ire had nothing to do with them, these subordinates would still be cautious of everything they did.

Kang Jin-Ho bowed his head. “I’m sorry.”

“N-no, hang on. No need to be so serious about it, you know!” Bang Jin-Hun yelled out in a bit of panic. He didn’t expect Kang Jin-Ho to respond so seriously to something said in jest.

Kang Jin-Ho sat up straight and explained himself. “I had a problem. But it’s sorted out now.”

“A problem?” Bang Jin-Hun blinked his eyes, then realized this might be a good opportunity to change the topic. “Could it be… Did your personal info get leaked by hackers?”

“No, it’s not like that. I was facing a heart demon, actually.”

“...What?” Bang Jin-Hun’s jaw slowly fell.

Heart demon? Anyone walking on the path of martial arts would’ve heard of that concept at least once in their life. However, that was…

‘How should I put this… Kinda like a kirin or a dragon? As in, it doesn’t exist in reality, but it might have? That kind of thing?’

Indeed, the idea of a "heart demon" was more like a legend these days.

If someone else had said they were at the mercy of the heart demon, Bang Jin-Hun would\'ve unhesitantly stood up and triumphantly flipped the bird at that bastard. However, Kang Jin-Ho said it this time, so what choice did Bang Jin-Hun have other than to believe the claim?

“Is this heart demon thing even real?” Bang Jin-Hun cautiously asked.

However, it was Vator who answered instead of Kang Jin-Ho. “Yes, it\'s real.”

Zhang Dajing sitting behind the big man quickly began translating for him.

“Heart demons do exist. However, it\'s rare to find those who have experienced it, never mind overcome it. Truth be told, having a separate category of \'heart demon\' is illogical. After all, the wall you must overcome as a martial artist is a heart demon. However, to encounter a wall worthy of the heart demon moniker, well…”

Vator glanced at Bang Jin-Hun without saying anything before scratching his head.

“Mm. You probably don\'t have anything to worry about on that one.”

Bang Jin-Hun pouted. “Really? Come on now, mister. You don’t have to put a fella down like that, you know?”

“I merely speak the truth.”

“Even if it is the truth, humans can\'t help but cross their fingers and wait in anticipation, okay? That\'s our nature. Like how you ardently wish for your hair to grow back, even though it\'s gone forever!”

Vator listened to Zhang Dajing’s translation, then dazedly stared at Bang Jin-Hun. Eventually, though, he began guffawing heroically. “Hahaha! Yes, indeed! You’re right! A man should never give up.”

After a bout of raucous manly laughter, Vator stared at Bang Jin-Hun with unreadable eyes.

“I think I like you. Hmm… How about I buy you a round of drinks? After this meeting, that is?”

Bang Jin-Hun tutted. “No thank you. I’m scared you might drag me to some dark corner and beat me up.”

“Hmm? But I’m not like that. I’m quite reasonable.”

“Sure you are.”

Vator frowned like a man wrongly accused of a crime he didn’t commit. In his view, he was the most… "gentlemanly" person in this room.

Lee Hyeon-Su was cruel and could be rather excessive in his actions. Bang Jin-Hun was also a type to stop at nothing to achieve his goal, even if lots of people would die in the process. As for the elder of the demon cult, it was pointless to say anything…

‘But the real problem is this old fart.’

On the surface, Wiggins looked like a refined and charming middle-aged… No, an old man. However, Vator was convinced this Englishman\'s heart was the darkest of everyone here! Only Wiggins and Lee Hyeon-Su were capable of smiling innocently while deciding whether to kill another human being or not.

‘...No, wait. There is one more here, isn’t there?’

Vator sneakily glanced at Kang Jin-Ho before urgently shaking his head.

“Now that I think about it, I’ve inserted myself into a rather… incredible place, haven’t I?”

With this line-up, Vator couldn\'t help but think that that old man who planned a coup d\'etat was the most virtuous person here.

Vator tutted slightly. “A man of virtue isn’t supposed to step inside the land of darkness, though!”

Wiggins cocked an eyebrow. “Who is this man of virtue you speak of?”

“Of course, it\'s me.”

Wiggins smirked at that. “If that’s how you judge someone, then without a doubt, I’m the most virtuous person in this room.”

“A traitor shouldn’t say that.”

“Excuse me, sir! Please do not forget that you\'re no different from me!”

Wiggins hardly ever lost his cool, but not this time. He got triggered by the accusation of being a traitor. Vator also ‘betrayed’ his former organization, so why did only Wiggins deserve that label?

Vator tutted again. “Don\'t lump me in with you. I was more like an unwanted houseguest back then.”

“In my case, it\'s not a betrayal but a resignation!”

“Sure, if that’s how you want to dress it up.”

“Urgh…!” Wiggins groaned loudly in frustration.

That was when Lee Hyeon-Su decided to butt in. “Please give up, you two.”

“What do you mean?”

“It\'s pointless to argue who\'s more virtuous here, sir. Other people probably think we\'re all cut from the same cloth.”

Vator yelled unhappily. “What? How could you say that! We’re obviously different!”

“Nope. Not really,” said Lee Hyeon-Su while using his eyes to sneakily point at Kang Jin-Ho. “Please think about how we’d look to outsiders.”

“To outsiders? Wouldn’t we look like Korea’s disorganized martial art… faction… Huh?” Vator stopped muttering after realizing the severity of this situation. He then urgently turned his head to stare at Kang Jin-Ho.

Lee Hyeon-Su calmly finished his explanation. “The ancient past’s greatest evil… No, the legendary demon has revived in the modern era to swallow up this organization. In that case, don’t we look like a bunch of folks who switched sides to serve that demon?”

“...Wait. That oddly sounds like something I’ve heard rather often in the past.” Bang Jin-Hun frowned deeply.

Lee Hyeon-Su sat up straight and proudly declared, “We\'re basically in what\'s commonly known as the Demon King\'s castle in manwha and fantasy novel circles.”

“You think so, too?” Bang Jin-Hun chuckled hollowly. The Demon King\'s castle, now was it? “I really want to deny that notion, but it\'s surprisingly difficult, now isn\'t it?”

Countless martial artists walked this Earth, but only Kang Jin-Ho seemed to fit the title of Demon King the best. Besides, the setting of the Demon King only found in legends reviving in the modern era sounded pretty cool to him.

“So, that Demon King instantly devoured all the fragmented factions, and then…”

“...Enticed martial artists from China and Europe to serve him as their leader.”

“Not only that, but he’s even trying to revive his old faction from a near-complete ruination, too.”

“...It all fits rather neatly, no?”

“Yes, it’s practically the Axis of Evil in here.”

Everyone stared weirdly at Kang Jin-Ho next.

Kang Jin-Ho cocked an eyebrow after suddenly becoming the Demon King plotting the destruction of the human race. He fake-coughed and then addressed his audience. “Kuh-hum. I think that\'s enough kidding around.”

“But, sir. We are not kidding this time.”

“Sir, others could really be thinking of us that way. The Martial Assembly’s public image could be in the gutters right now. In that case, shouldn’t we think about advertising ourselves internationally? To avoid misunderstandings?”

Kang Jin-Ho flinched. When he thought about it… That sounded plausible. As a matter of fact, China and Europe could genuinely be thinking of this situation that way!

‘Ah… Is that why they were so hell-bent on destroying us?’

Kang Jin-Ho used to think the Crimson King was a strange fella for displaying such an intense level of animosity despite the two of them not previously standing in each other\'s way. At least, not to the extent of wanting total annihilation, that was.

Yes, the cat-and-dog animosity between the orthodox factions and the demon cult was nothing new. But the dynamics between the two sides had changed so much compared to the past. So, the Crimson King\'s animosity didn\'t make much sense to Kang Jin-Ho.

Now that he has heard Lee Hyeon-Su’s explanation, though… Kang Jin-Ho thought he could finally understand why the Crimson King was so obsessed with him.

“H-hold on right there!” Vator suddenly raised his voice, his complexion pale with panic. “D-doesn’t that mean the Crimson King is the brave hero?”

The conference room was instantly beset with unmentionable shock.


“Isn’t that a bit, you know…?”

Wiggins and Lee Hyeon-Su both grimaced deeply. Based on appearances alone, the role of villains suited the other side so much more. Taking one look at the outdated and stuffy fashion sense of the Crimson King\'s faction should be proof enough! Didn\'t it perfectly suit the bad guys appearing in a Hollywood movie or some such?!

“My liege…?”

While everyone was stewing in their thoughts, it seemed only Chang Min was not affected by this discussion.

He hailed from the demon cult, to begin with, and would stay that way till his final moments. As such, he couldn\'t care less about the demon cult\'s public image even if he tried. Actually, he\'d strip buck-naked and dance in celebration if the people\'s perception of the cult was elevated to that of the Demon King\'s Army!

“My liege, have you overcome your heart demon?”

Kang Jin-Ho nodded. “Mm. It seems that way.”

Chang Min shot up to his feet, and prostrated on the floor. “My liege! Congratulations on your miraculous achievement!”

Vator’s expression stiffened as he listened. His knees began trembling impatiently at the same time. “Master. Is that true? You’ve really overcome it?”

“Mm,” Kang Jin-Ho nonchalantly nodded.

All Vator could do then was shake his head in dismay. “You stumbled your way into a heart demon, then stumbled out of it just as easily? Even though a heart demon shouldn’t be something you can overcome by forcing your way through?”

Vator resolved himself not to get shocked by Kang Jin-Ho\'s antics. However, this one antic still shocked the big man.

Vator groaned. “Are you sure it was a heart demon?”

Kang Jin-Ho nodded. “Yes. It most likely was.”

“How could you be so sure if you haven’t experienced it before?”

“Mm? But I have experienced it before, though?”

The ‘Yes, I’ve done it before, thank you very much’ card had been pulled out of Kang Jin-Ho’s deck.

As Vator had never experienced a heart demon before in his life, he could only shrink back into his seat. What could he say to someone who had personally experienced it before? Nothing, other than…

“So, you really have overcome it, then.”

When Kang Jin-Ho just shrugged his shoulders and didn\'t elaborate any further, Vator slowly and weakly shook his head.

As for Bang Jin-Hun, Lee Hyeon-Su, and even Wiggins, their expressions indicated that they had failed to understand the significance of this situation. It seemed only Chang Min and Vator had guessed correctly the implication behind Kang Jin-Ho’s achievement.

‘He will become indescribably stronger now.’

Overcoming one heart demon didn\'t signify the completion of a martial artist\'s journey. However, it did mean that a significant obstacle had been eliminated. And now, their strength would soar higher the more they trained.

In a way, it\'d be like digging a straight tunnel under the impregnable mountain range and paving it with asphalt.

The car driving on it could now go as fast as it wanted, depending on the driver\'s mood.

‘In that case… Just how much stronger would my master become?’

The Crimson King and Kang Jin-Ho fought to a stalemate not too long ago. Objectively speaking, that fight was more like a one-sided beating, but the fact of the matter still didn’t change. Kang Jin-Ho fought the Crimson King and survived. He defended against the Crimson King’s all-out attack and even managed to go on an offensive at one point, too.

But now, Kang Jin-Ho was about to become even stronger than that? Really?

“He’s definitely the Demon King, then.”

What would it be like to have someone like Kang Jin-Ho as an enemy?

‘It’ll be utterly horrifying.’

Vator finally began to understand the anxiety felt by both the Crimson King and Cai Kechang.

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