
Chapter 104 - The Lady Wants Friends (1)

Chapter 104 - The Lady Wants Friends (1)

When the song finishes, Count Wilhelm accompanies me to my Duke.

?I don\'t know why you told me so much,? I say. ?But a few words can\'t change the opinion I made of my husband.?

?Figures,? he mutters while rolling his eyes.

When we reach Alexander, Jeffrey Wilhelm pats on his shoulder.

?I won\'t say anything against you in front of your wife. Ever again,? he exclaims.

I lift my eyebrows, surprised.

?Especially about your dancing skills,? he adds, raising his hands in sign of surrender. ?You\'re not a stick!?

I smile, happy that this person understood that not just anyone can handle this Duchess.

?And you\'re kind and gentle like a nun. And also honest.?

After saying that, the Count turns on his heels. He walks to a group of ladies that had been glancing in our direction for a while.

?What have you done?? Alexander asks while grabbing my hand. He pecks my fingers and smiles after seeing my blushing face. Skin contact in public is still too much for me, but I\'m getting used to everything little by little.

?I just had a proper conversation while dancing,? I shrug.

?You did neither of the two properly,? my Duke chuckles. ?But I\'m pleased to see that you went out of your way to defend my honour. It makes me happy.?

?That person said so many odd things, Alexander. Are you sure he\'s your friend??

?Positive,? my Duke chuckles.

?I hope I didn\'t just put you two in a difficult situation. I run my tongue and my feet without thinking.?

?It\'s fine. Jeffrey won\'t take it to heart. He was just curious to find out what kind of woman can wrap me around her fingers like this.?

?I am the one wr...? I start, but I realise that I can\'t get dragged in his schemes and say words that might sound indecent or naughty.

I turn my head by a couple of degrees and recognise a face.

?Ambassador Zolokis!? I exclaim when the calm smile enters my field of vision. ?I thought that all the diplomatic consuls stayed in the capitals...?

?Well, that\'s true. However, we\'ve opened an office in Kyre.?

?Not in Stoneyard, though,? I whisper. He came with a carriage, and he even arrived late. Also, Stoneyard is very small as a town. It\'s just a castle and a few houses around. Most of the people live within the walls, but there are a couple of villages attached to the walls.

The most relevant city, however, is a few miles south. The local offices Asteria opened must be there.

?I didn\'t think they would send their best ambassador for just a local office,? I chuckle. ?What a waste!?

?It\'s not a waste if I can see my dear niece,? he murmurs.

Alexander is standing by my side, pretending to be cool about this reunion. I can sense his dark mood in waves, while chilliness makes me shiver to the bones. He\'s apparently angry.

No... He\'s furious. What have I done wrong? I\'ve just greeted my uncle. I haven\'t seen anyone from my family in ages.

Ambassador Zolokis hasn\'t visited Polis since the third year of siege. It\'s not like we can plot anything in a few sentences.

Alexander is overreacting.

?I was wondering what would happen to the Queen of Polis once the siege was over, but I\'m glad to see that you survived.?

?It was unexpected for me too,? I say, trying to ignore Alexander\'s black eyes. He moves his pupils between the Ambassador and me, and he doesn\'t say a thing.

?I also heard that the harbour is back in function. The governors are also rather tolerant. Is it thanks to your doing, Lady Kyre??

?I haven\'t done anything,? I shrug. I don\'t know if my existence influenced any decision regarding Polis, but it certainly isn\'t my merit.

?My wife has given up on her role,? my Duke says, interrupting the discussion unexpectedly.

I thought he would let me struggle alone, for goodness!

?She doesn\'t engage in politics any more,? he adds while placing a hand on the back of my waist.

Of course not. After all, last time I ruled something, I lost a war.

However, there\'s no need to say it, not this loud. In front of a foreign ambassador.

I smile politely at my uncle and notice how he\'s observing us with a confused expression. I bet you don\'t get to see too often a former queen behave this obediently.

However, I\'m quite confused. Alexander gave me permission to write to my diplomatic contacts. Why is my Duke changing idea, now? I won\'t organise a revolution. I won\'t even mention hot topics.

There\'s no need to point out how powerless I actually am.

I look down and fix my gowns absent-mindedly. I can\'t hide my reaction at Alexander\'s words, but I\'m still surrounded by people. At least, I can smooth my expression before looking up.

I smile at my husband with a sweet smirk, but he doesn\'t see it because he\'s not looking this way. It\'s probably the first time I catch him looking at someone that isn\'t me.

I\'ve become so used to getting his attention no matter the situation. So much that I now feel void, noticing how he indeed can gaze at other people as well.

?How...? I start, trying to find a safe topic for the conversation.

The silence has fallen among us three, and some guests nearby are observing curiously.

?How has the weather been in Asteria, lately??

It\'s better if I don\'t ask about my brother. My Duke might misinterpret my worries, and these people could think that I\'m trying to rebel.

Oh, is it because I\'m talking with a relative? It would be slightly less humiliating if that was the case. That is: if Alexander was being cautious or possessive.

However, I still think he\'s just being controlling. And it\'s useless because I won\'t try anything that would endanger the people around me, especially my husband.

?It has been cold,? the Ambassador answers mechanically. He seems a bit disappointed about what he found out.

I don\'t know what to think, right now. It\'s not like I\'d prefer to be dead than wed. There are many perks in being a duchess. One of them is that I don\'t have to worry about a nation all by myself. I can assist if it\'s needed, but it\'s all on my own volition. It\'s not a duty.

Also, being my Duke\'s wife is safe and comfortable. His care is usually warm, and his presence is always alluring.

I don\'t know what changed this evening.

After the Ambassador left, other people approached.

Alexander relaxed almost immediately, and he also dragged me into the conversation a couple of times.

I\'m not sure what\'s the difference between greeting my uncle and discussing import taxes with a few gentlemen. Wasn\'t this an undesirable topic for me as well?

This husband of mine will drive me crazy. However, I\'m glad that I can have a serious discussion with someone other than my Duke.

It\'s only after the second glass is over that I notice something amiss.

A few ladies are openly staring at me. Some are curious, while others have weird, accusing expressions.

When I turn back to the people I\'m talking with, I realise they\'re all men. I haven\'t felt any weirdness when talking with them. I have done this all my life. Also, having Alexander by my side, I don\'t even fear their proximity.

However, a lady isn\'t supposed to be able to handle such topics. Nor this many people at once.

I glance at Alexander, and he sweetly smiles when he notices my expression.

?I\'ll rest for a while,? I whisper before leaving the hall.

Lady Lyana notices my walking away, and she follows me in the resting room after a moment.

There are some rooms, close to the main hall, where one can rest between one course and the other. I have my private room, somewhere in this hallway.

I\'ve chosen a random door, though. I\'m hoping that one of the ladies will come in by chance and become an acquaintance.

I don\'t want to meet any knight, officer or viscount. I just crave a few female friends, like any regular young duchess!

?What\'s wrong with me?? I ask my lady in waiting.

?Pardon?? she mutters, confused.

?I want to make friends, but all the ladies avoid me.?

She sits by my side and searches for the right words for a while.

?I don\'t know if my Lady knows it, but... Well, you have the aura of a commander. You also can talk about difficult topics with the most challenging people. It isn\'t easy to just approach such a person with an excuse.?

?But I don\'t want to stay alone forever. And I don\'t know how to make friends. What should I do, lady Lyana??

?I\'m sure my Lady will find a way,? she smiles. ?We ended up getting along, in the end. Am I right??

?Lady Lyana,? I whisper. ?Can I... Can I consider you as a friend??

Come on, can I at least have one of those rare treasures that people call friends?

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