
Chapter 3 (2)

Therefore, when Qi Mu arrived at the B City\'s Symphony Orchestra\'s recruitment site, there were already a lot of people in the room waiting in line for their audition. Qi Mu didn\'t know most of the people here; maybe one or two people seemed familiar.

Zheng Weiqiao presented the people before him: "Most of the recruits who are coming today are violinists from other orchestras in B City. You spent a lot of time in Europe and you haven\'t played much in Huaxia. Teacher probably didn\'t tell you that Huaxia\'s music industry started late since musicians are relatively scarce. Therefore, there\'s always an exchange of members in the community."

Huaxia\'s musical history only began last century. The administration of the orchestra\'s internal affairs was relatively lax [1], similar to North American orchestras.

[1] It\'s referring to what they mentioned in the last paragraph, meaning that exchanging members a lot was normal.

In European countries where symphonies were more common, and the music industry more developed, personnel changes in large orchestras was rare. For example, the "first in the country" Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra follow the "undying, unchanging" philosophy.

With this in mind, Qi Mu slowly narrowed his eyes.

He remembered that six years ago, the chief conductor, at the prime of his career, withdrew and selflessly gave up his career and his baton to the current conductor, Min Chen, consequently bringing about the legendary modern King of Classical Music.

"But you can be assured that the rest of the selection is very formal. I\'m sure that with your talent, you can surely win the judges over."

Qi Mu nodded lightly, and smiled: "Mm, I\'ll try."

Zheng Weiqiao pointed to a middle aged man in the middle of the noisy room: "That is the concertmaster of the B City Symphony Orchestra. He is quite skilled, you could even say he\'s your biggest competitor." Feeling like his words would hurt the youth\'s self esteem, he quickly tried reason: "Of course, he hasn\'t even played in the Golden Hall yet. If you did not waste your last few years you would have already surpassed him."

Qi Mu wasn\'t aware of Zheng Weiqiao\'s worries; he nodded and calmly smiled: "Brother Zheng, I will not feel bitter toward my fellow competitor, you can rest assured."

Zheng Weiqiao smiled with relief. After a few more words, he went to catch up with an old friend. Qi Mu placed his violin case on a table, and removed his beautiful and delicate violin, looking over it.

The body of the instrument was smooth and curvy, the spruce wood used on the peg-box was distinct. It was like an instrument meticulously crafted by God. When Qi Mu took the violin out of his dark-green velvet violin case, many violinists were immediately attracted by the sight of it.

"What beautifully crafted curves, this violin is so beautiful!"

"The design of the fingerboard is a bit like a guqin [2], with its small head and wide bottom. It\'s like a beautiful stream."

[2] A traditional Chinese instrument.

"It\'s not a real Stradivarius [3] is it…? How much does that cost?"

[3] It\'s a real set of string instruments made by the Stradivari family (most of them are violins, and most being made by Antonio Stradivari). The series itself and each instrument are titled Stradivarius.


Stradivarius was the name for the violin designs made over 200 years ago by Master Antonio Stradivari. These new designs broke the shackles of the original design. Regardless of which part of the violin was carved, the peg box, the body, the soundboard-, it was a masterpiece. Ten years ago, there was an auction for such an instrument in Europe. It sold for a sky high price of over 3.5 million dollars.

Qi Mu did not care about other people\'s comments. He picked up the slender bow and simply wiped rosin for a while. Then he began to tune.

He naturally knew this violin was not a real Stradivarius. Each Stradivarius was worth quite a price. Even a nouveau riche wouldn\'t bring such a treasure out just for an occasion like an audition.

The one in his hands is an imitation Stradivarius, handcrafted by Zhao Shicheng, Master Zhao of Chinese craftsmanship. Even his imitations could still sell six digit prices on the auction floor.

However… did the Qi Family not have a genuine Stradivarius?

Qi Mu knew that the Qi parents had a really expensive and delicate Stradivarius, which can be sold on the market for at least a 7 digit number. This instrument was currently placed in the safety of the Swiss bank. It was originally prepared for the original\'s coming of age ceremony, but now…

A group of old seniors were worried that the original, at the lowest of lows, would sell off the "little princess". Thus, they made the decision that the violin could only be taken out of the bank if the original could perform at the Golden Hall as a concertmaster.

At the thought of this, Qi Mu couldn\'t help but sigh and shake his head. He knew that the original host had completely given up on playing that violin…

"Is this… Master Zhao\'s craftsmanship?" Surprised that a male voice suddenly rang from behind him, Qi Mu turned to see a young violinist looking at him, saying: "I\'ve seen this Master Zhao\'s works before, he likes to curve the scroll more."

A little distractedly, Qi Mu gave him a slight smile: "Yes, it is Master Zhao\'s craftsmanship."

"Ah! It\'s really one of Master Zhao\'s works, how rare!" The young man looked at the violin in Qi Mu\'s hands several times, and then hesitated for a long time. Finally, he could not help but ask: "Excuse me… Are you Qi Mu?"

The young man\'s voice was not loud, so it was quickly drowned out by sound of tuning from the other competitors. Only a middle-aged man not far away heard him, and giving him a surprised glance.

In fact, Qi Mu was also very surprised.

The original host had not appeared in public since he was 14, and his appearance has changed a bit since then. It was reasonable for most people to not recognize him. But this young man, who appeared to be in his twenties, recognized him at just a glance.

"Well, I am. However, you are…?" Qi Mu\'s pretty brow was faintly creased, his pale face had an embarrassed smile.

The young man exclaimed in a low voice: "It is you! I grew up watching you in my youth! I loved the first "Die Fledermaus Overture" you played with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra 9 years ago, especially the last allegro. Your skill was amazing!" The young man couldn\'t help but exclaim, making Qi Mu not know whether to laugh or cry [4].

[4] An idiom for between laughter and tears or (finding a situation) both funny and extremely embarrassing.

The young man actually looked a bit older, for him to say he watched him growing up…

Although it was unintentional, hearing someone say that sounded like they were being sarcastic.

Feeling a bit humbled, Qi Mu smiled: "Thank you for your praise; I heard you practicing Mazas "Etudes Op. 36" over there, your vibrato is very good.

Hearing that, the young man immediately started to excitedly discuss it with Qi Mu. However, it was not long before he was called in. Qi Mu smiled as he wished him luck, then he started to pick up his bow again, silently rubbing in rosin.

Before a performance, he didn\'t like to practice over and over again like other people, merely rubbing rosin in his bow. He never gets bored of looking at the white powder gently covering the hairs of his bow. (His spotlessly white bow hair?)

"Are you really… Qi Mu?"

When Qi Mu turned around, he saw a middle aged man walk to him with a frown on his face. Seeing the other expression of disgust, the smile on the young man\'s face slowly disappeared. He lifted up his bow, looked at him, and said: "Yes, I am. May I ask what you want?"

It was the man that Zheng Weiqiao mentioned earlier.

The middle aged man replied impatiently: "I know what you have been up to these past few years Qi Mu. Didn\'t you say you\'d never touch the violin again? Why are you picking it back up? Don\'t think your past achievements will help you. I saw the way you tuned just now. Your skill level is too low, it\'s better if you go back and play with those punks."

The middle aged man deliberately did not lower his voice. The others heard him, and turned to listen in. From time to time, people were whispering "Who\'s Qi Mu?" and someone would reply "that child prodigy from a few years ago. It seems he\'s become corrupted in the recent years."

This middle aged man obviously was aware of the many absurd things the original owner had done in the past few years. For instance, he had sold his father\'s most cherished scores [5], therefore it is not a good face for the current Qi Mu.

[5] Scores are basically musical sheets, but a compilation of every part for every instrument in the orchestra, for a song. Since his father was a conductor, he needs the score to read to make sure the orchestra is playing properly.

Upon seeing this, Qi Mu couldn\'t help but feel both ridiculous and helpless.

Just now, when everyone was tuning, he was the only one he took a tuner. Others rely directly on training to fine tune, but he still needs a tuner.


Unlike what other people thought, being able to hear pitch was different from needing a tuner. In fact, Qi Mu hears too much. Since there isn\'t a way to be able to hear carefully, he has to use a tuner.

This body\'s sense of sound was too strong; it was like every breath of sound in the world could be distinguished by his perfect pitch. Occupying this body for only 10 days, Qi Mu has still not fully adapted. In order to prevent mistakes, he deliberately took a tuner; he never thought this would become evidence of his "lack of skill."

"Mister Lu, thank you for your concern." Qi Mu remembered that Zheng Weiqiao said this man\'s last name was Lu. He plastered on a polite smile and said "I have been practicing hard in these recent times, and I am treating this audition very seriously."

Qi Mu tried his best to restrain his temper. After all, he is currently is just a newcomer to the music industry. If he is too short-tempered, he will definitely be demolished.

Unexpectedly, the obstinate middle-aged man was unwilling to let this go: "Qi Mu, I can be regarded as one of your elders. Your parents were back then were brilliant, and you have also gotten a lot of reputation. But I\'ve heard a lot of stories of how you\'ve exhausted your talents. Save your parents from embarrassment and go home."

While saying that, this middle aged man felt as if he was bestowing well meaning advice: "The B City Symphony Orchestra is not a place where everyone can enter. You will end up regretting it if you lose face for your parents. I am saying this for your own good. You are young and smart, you can use up your life in this industry or you can get a job and start a family."

Listening to these words, Qi Mu\'s smile dimmed more and more. Finally, he could only be expressionless at the other man as he talked arrogantly: "You children take this audition as a joke. You say that you\'ve been practicing seriously these days? How could that be possible…"

"Mister Lu," sneered the young man, interrupting the other\'s spiel. He saw Qi Mu\'s bend his head slightly, revealing a sliver of a beautiful forehead from a black curtain of hair. "Excuse me, but did you install a camera in my house?"

The middle-aged man gave a blank look and answered reflexively: "No."

"Huh, then how would you know that I haven\'t been practicing hard these days?"


Seeing the other\'s dumbfounded appearance, Qi Mu lifted his lips and smirked without saying anything else. He no longer bothered looking at this person. The middle aged man named Lu seemed to have something else he wanted to say, but then his number was called to play. His face was livid as he prepared to play.

Before leaving, he aggressively stood in front of Qi Mu and fiercely spat out: "Just wait until the results come out. Then you will finally know how much you have fallen behind! Boy, don\'t think because you have talent, you can cause trouble. I will show you that hard work is more important than talent!"

Hearing this, Qi Mu asked with a smile: "Talent is 1% inspiration, and 99% hard work?"

The man named Lu immediately nodded: "Correct!"

He saw Qi Mu suddenly curling his lips to reveal a row of white teeth: "Oh, I forgot to finish my sentence. That 1% inspiration is far more important than 99% hard work."


Qi Mu watched the middle aged man angrily walking toward the performance room. The deliberate smirk on his face gradually disappeared.

He naturally knew that there are many hard-working people in this world. Even if they worked hard for a lifetime, they would still be inferior to those who have innate talent or even those who are well-off.

Himself for example; if he was a talentless person, he could not be an orphan and still become the concertmaster of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra. But if he hadn\'t worked hard, he fears would have just another mediocre musician with just a little bit of talent.

But in this world, there are people who struggle through life but still become masters, such as Mahler [6]. Or people who have been born into poor families but are still remembered through the ages, such as Schubert [7].

[6] A Romanian composer.

[7] A composer who died at the age of 31. He had a lot of works, but wasn\'t famous until he died.

However, they never hated other people\'s talents or other people\'s family background.

For people who can only be blinded by jealously over such things… can only be the concertmaster of a mediocre orchestra forever.

Qi Mu sighed gently, his hand that was rubbing in rosin stopped.

What he did not know was that at a window not far away, there were two energetic elders who watched the scene.

Among one of them, peppered haired man who had a grin on his face as he said to his companion: "Old Tan-ah, it\'s been a few years since we\'ve seen this Qi boy… Surprisingly, I couldn\'t even recognize him like this. This old man\'s must be memory\'s no good. Didn\'t you say this was the one who wanted to sell the Stradivarius?

The old man called Old Tan snorted with disdain and said: "Who let this good-for-nothing enter the gates of B Symphony Orchestra? Find someone to kick him out!"

"Hey, don\'t! That Yue will definitely know if you do something to her son. As if she\'ll let you get away with it."

At the mention of her name, sadness flashed on Old Tan\'s face. He shook his head slightly, and said: "For… for Yue\'s sake I should give that trash a chance?"

The smiling elder gave a light nod. When Old Tan went to perform, the elder looked at the black-haired youth who was still wiping rosin, and suddenly sighed: "You… don\'t fail to live up to your talents again."

The author has something to say: [Mini Lesson!] Today\'s topic: What is "Op."?

"Op." is an abbreviation of opus, which means "work". From a composer\'s list of works, a system was made to keep track of how many songs have been created.

For example, “Mazas Op. 36” refers to his 36th work, a compilation of 75 etudes (divided into 3 parts).

TL notes:

-I\'m going to change "Fuwa\'s Mini Lessons" to just "Mini Lesson". I also uh, took over the mini lesson and gave my own definition.

-Stradivarius, very basically summarized, is some of the best built violins in the world. The guy basically went through a shit-ton of test work/different kinds of wood (mixed and matched together) to create a bunch of really good violins. When it mentioned earlier that it was sold for over 3.5 million, it wasn\'t an exaggeration. Some of these violins have sold for millions.

You can also look up how violins are made on Youtube. I\'ve also changed some of the dialogue to better match the description of the Stradivarius and the body parts of a violin.

-Zhao Shicheng is either "Zhao Shicheng," "Shicheng Zhao" or "Zhao Shicheng Zhao". The way they wrote this sentence confused me lol: "由华夏制琴大师赵世成赵大师亲手仿做." I looked it up but I don\'t think he\'s an actual person.

-"Die Fledermaus Overture" has actually been played by the real life Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. The part the story is talking about is probably the part at around the 7min mark of this video.

-I looked up the Mazas thing too, but it never specified which one the other guy was practicing. There\'s quite a few of them, but they seem to be… standard violin pieces I guess?

-I wanted to look into Mahler and Schubert more but I\'m already a bit late so (\':

ALSO! I\'ve been getting a word wrong. The author uses " 副首席" to refer to people as the lead violinist and I\'ve been reading it wrong. I\'ve corrected a sentence in the previous chapter: they are auditioning to be the lead violinist for the 2nd violins, not some unclaimed role.Thank you for your attention, and sorry about the mishap.

That middle aged man is kinda relatable, but I still want to 1v1 him.

There are always a lot of footnotes oops. I kept deleting some and re-adding some… in the end, more information is better right…? There was a bit of research put into this so I might as well keep what I can. I took out some of the notes on my beloved idioms tho, because some were rly obvious in their meaning ):

I’ll check grammar once more and probably add a little bit more detail on Mahler and Schubert later. It’ll probably not be important.

… 5 secs after I posted this I already found grammar mistakes lmao…

See you next week!

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