
Chapter 172

Chapter 172

The orchestra’s concertmaster needed not only superb technical strength but also an incredible depth of understanding regarding the orchestra’s level and the best style of control to utilize with them. The concertmaster and conductor had to use the same style, that which was most familiar to the orchestra, and the concertmaster had to understand the needs of their orchestra. With every music selection, regardless of the orchestra’s distribution, he needed to know what to do.

Qi Mu gained incredible insight in his month of study.

Before his rebirth, his task was to lead the orchestra in their daily rehearsals and help both the ever-busy Evra and Jacques, who was often idle. But now, he led the rehearsals in the morning and developed strategies with Anthony in the afternoons.

Such intensity was exceptional pressure for anyone, and even Dorenza worried whether Qi Mu could bear it. But, he couldn’t let the young man rest, since his time with Anthony was quickly running out. Qi Mu needed to take over his full duties as soon as possible.

Despite everything, Qi Mu did not complain. When Roman came to the Wei Ai building early in the morning, he always found Anthony’s lounge lit by a dim, yellow lamp. Even before the sky had brightened, the handsome young man would already be sitting there, flipping through Wei Ai’s previous materials for who knew how long.

The old-fashioned Roman, who had always been stubborn, couldn’t help mentioning it to Dorenza.

And when Dorenza heard how hard the child was working, he could only sigh. “Roman, I always thought that child had a talent that surpassed ordinary people. What really touched my heart and made me recruit him wasn’t his talent, but his diligence and hard work.”

Dorenza paused, then smiled and continued, “The scariest thing in the world is those who have exceptional talent but still work hard. They are the true masters. Roman, you have to believe it’s a hardworking person that controls the world, after all. Do you think Auston Bertram isn’t working hard enough? No, I saw him as a child. At the time, to study a score, he sealed himself in a music room for ten days and nights. This world will always belong to them. Only by working hard can we reap more rewards.”

During the month, Qi Mu was like a thirsty sponge, madly absorbing information about Wei Ai’s previous performances. It took over half a month to listen to each musician’s sound during rehearsal and record their characteristic style and flaws.

Each orchestra had its own music style. By then, Qi Mu had worked with many orchestras. The Vienna Symphony had a smooth tone and was orthodox. B City’s Symphony Orchestra had a strong melody, like a man’s vocals. The New York Philharmonic Orchestra’s style was gorgeous, and they had a high tone. And the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra…

Was elegant. It expressed the most orthodox and beautiful sound of Vienna to the fullest extent.

During the nonstop rehearsals, Qi Mu perceived something, but the inspiration quickly disappeared.

Wei Ai’s training continued endlessly, and they passed the time comfortably. In a few months, they would prepare for the Europe tour and it would become really busy.

The Wei Ai interior was calm and light with no ups and downs, but the voices of the media outside never stopped. Recruiting a young man as Wei Ai’s deputy concertmaster was unprecedented. Before that, Wei Ai was recognized as the world’s top orchestra, the only one that didn’t use a young concertmaster.

And now, although Qi Mu was just a deputy, no one knew where the rumor “this deputy concertmaster will soon be promoted” had spread.

Various media vyed to interview the outstanding young man. Unfortunately, though they disguised themselves to try and get into the high-end community where Qi Mu lived, they were all stopped by the sharp-eyed security.

After repeated provocations, the security staff had good tempers and didn’t beat them. Rather, their criminal tools——hats, scarves, sunglasses, and pizza (yes, someone attempted to enter using the guise of delivering pizza) were all confiscated. They were strictly prohibited from entering again.

Qi Mu walked to work early in the morning and returned very late. Therefore, he never met any of the reporters. But, after a month of siege and interception, some of the crooked reporters grew resentful.

When Dorenza spotted the newspaper 《Vienna Music of the Day》’s headline 《Wei Ai’s Deputy Concertmaster has a strong background to live in such a safeguarded community》, the gentle-tempered musical master finally burst into intolerable flames. In the 《Vienna Daily》, he stated——

『Wei Ai values the talent and potential of musicians. It’s impossible to work behind the scenes otherwise! In two months, Wei Ai’s European tour will begin. All our fans are invited to witness Wei Ai’s changes!』

No one dared to provoke Albert Dorenza’s status in Vienna, or even in all of Austria. So the “Wei Ai’s Deputy Concertmaster Disturbance” gradually subsided with this statement. At least, no one dared to discuss the matter in the open. Instead, some fans began looking forward to the “change” Dorenza mentioned.

Under the winter’s mild sunshine, the handsome youth led the orchestra for their last practice of the morning. Once the short etude was over, Qi Mu set down his violin and heard an exclamation from one of the members, “Oh, Mr. Dorenza! Are you taking over the rehearsal after afternoon tea?”

Since there were no performances scheduled yet, Dorenza only participated in rehearsals for an hour each day. More time was spent thinking about the next event’s program, venue and other arrangements.

Dorenza smiled. “Dear friends, go and enjoy your tea! I’ll take your lovely deputy concertmaster for a while. Anthony will take his place.”

A wail erupted across the orchestra——

“Why are you taking away our lovely Little Seven, Mr. Dorenza? What are you going to do to him?!”

“After tea is over, I also plan to discuss 《Carnival of Venice》 with Little Seven!”

“Mr. Dorenza, send back our Little Seven soon!”

When they had an approachable and good-tempered conductor like Dorenza, everyone was close to him. They shared such a warm atmosphere that they could joke amongst themselves. Dorenza naturally didn’t get angry and smiled, promising to send back their Little Seven soon. Then, he took Qi Mu into the conductor lounge.

Qi Mu didn’t speak even after taking a seat on the sofa and Dorenza sighed solemnly. “Little Seven, I must apologize to you. Wei Ai’s affairs are so busy right now, I never noticed there were reporters hassling you and questioning your position. I spoke in the 《Vienna Daily》, but if you think there’s something I should do, I’d be very happy to do it.” Dorenza handed over a thick newspaper as he spoke.

Only then did Qi Mu understand the purpose of the conversation. He took the newspaper and read carefully for a long time, then he smiled and shook his head. “Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Dorenza. In fact, I wasn’t very troubled. They doubt me because I haven’t shown them my strength. Just as you said to me at the beginning, I want to have confidence in myself. I believe that when I show them my violin, they will definitely recognize me.”

Dorenza nodded approvingly at the youth’s confident vigor.

“Little Seven, during the tour, we will stagger our time with Bai Ai and the Dresden orchestra. I’ve discussed with Motl and the others this morning. We will start in late March, and I’ve chosen Brussels as our first stop.”

Qi Mu nodded lightly.

Dorenza continued, “I believe you’ll definitely prove your strength then and shut those boring guys up.”

Qi Mu’s eyes smiled. After thinking for a while, he said, “Mr. Dorenza, since there’s still two months until the tour, is our program set? If you tell me in advance, I can also make some preparations earlier.”

Unexpectedly, after his question, Dorezna frowned. “Little Seven, actually… regarding this issue, we’ve been discussing for a week and still no decisions have been made. For the past three years, our genres have been similar. There have been no challenges or breakthroughs. I wanted to try something different this year, but it’s a pity. We haven’t found the key yet.”

Qi Mu also frowned as he listened to Dorenza.

He listened as the conductor continued, “If you could make some adjustments that aren’t entirely divorced from our romantic style, that would be good.”

Jolting with inspiration, Qi Mu’s eyes widened. “Mr. Dorenza, you want to make some changes that won’t alter Wei Ai’s traditional style?”

Dorenza nodded, “Yes, Little Seven. That would be ideal.”

In the brilliant light, the youth’s black hair gleamed with a golden halo, and he smiled. “Mr. Dorenza… I have an idea.”

Translator(s): Bet

Editor(s): Empress

Proofer(s): Ayn

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