
Chapter 41 - Special Talent

Chapter 41: Special Talent

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Angor was planning to ask Mara when they were finished with the restaurant, but since there was a good chance now and a real wizard would help him, Angor simply explained his condition without a second thought.

“A few months ago, Mister Mara helped me with a talent test. When I touched the Talent Sphere, I found the world around me change, and I floated in the air...”

As Angor slowly spoke out, everyone’s expression became more and more strange. There were many examples of the Abelles’ Eye recorded in the Abelles’ Annual Talent Collection . However, none of them looked similar to what Angor was talking about.

The wizards already reached their own conclusion. If what Angor said was true, his talent certainly was not normal. It might be a special talent. Or rather, it must be. The only question was what kind of talent.

Even Mara stared at Angor with wide eyes. He thought to himself, “Didn’t he say he was only floating??”

Mara finally recalled the details on that day. When Angor was done testing, he said “floating”, but he was going to say something else. At that moment, Mara just turned to a Level-3 Apprentice. His mana was disturbed, and his mood, impulsive. He interrupted Angor before the boy could finish.

Mara rubbed his temple in frustration.

He missed a young man with special talent from under his nose! If he discovered it earlier, he would definitely make a profit out of this!

Mara let out a sigh in regret.

Suddenly, he felt a cold gaze.

He secretly glanced aside. Heroline was looking at him with a stern face.

Before they came here, when Heroline asked about special talents, Mara gave her a firm answer: none. It was hardly an hour, and the truth slapped him in the face.

He did not mean this!

Although Heroline just gave Mara an angry stare, she already began to ponder in her mind, about Angor’s possible talent.

“The young man has some luck, has his destiny, and does not panic under stress. Now, he might possess a good talent...” Heroline was becoming more and more satisfied with Angor. Seemed like she did not have to keep an eye on him anymore. She would take him in now.

Heroline made up her mind, but she did not stop Angor’s explanation. He was going to join White Coral Floating Island Academy anyway, so she could just wait until they left the restaurant.

With that in mind, Heroline relaxed.

“... My back was scratched by that woman, whose face was full of sutures. Thank god I was already inside the closet...” Angor continued telling his adventure, while every supernatural around the table was trying to guess what kind of talent Angor had.

Outside the curtain, Sunders and Flora heard Angor’s story as well. Flora had no idea what Angor was talking about, while Sunders frowned mildly. He remembered something similar, but could not tell when or what was it.

“After that, I often felt itchiness on my back. But every time I checked in the mirror, I can’t see any wound. I can’t feel anything either when I touch it,” said Angor. He scratched his head and kept talking, “Just now, I was confused by the illusion of food on The Redbud. The awful itchiness came again, and it won over my hunger. That was how I escaped the illusion...”

Greya spoke, “It’s called a mirage, something that happens when us gourmet wizards cook. People without a spirit model constructed inside their bodies cannot escape being eroded by the mirage. So that itchiness helped you clear your mind? Oh my... whatever caused that ‘wound’ on you, it wasn’t anything ordinary.”

When Angor said “itchiness”, Sunders’ eyebrow twitched, as if he remembered something.

“Can I look at your back? I think I saw something alike in an ancient book,” Heroline thought about it for a while and spoke to Angor.

Angor hesitated a bit before he decided to remove his upper clothes in front of everyone.

His slim body and clean-white skin were almost transparent under the bright lamplight.

He was still young so people looked at the bared, child-like body without any improper ideas. Greya even pinched Angor’s arm playfully. His arms hardly got any muscles on them.

Angor only kept his head down bashfully, and put his hands over his stomach. He did not get any chance to exercise on the ship, and his eight-pack began to fuse into one. Only the carves around proved that he was once a slim boy.

Angor turned around so everyone could look at his back.

White and flawless. There was not even a beauty spot. Although this was not important. Everyone was focusing on where Angor said his condition was—around his bladebones.

Nothing out of ordinary on the outside.

Greya used a cantrip called Truesight to observe. Conclusion: nothing.

All wizards who were interested in Angor’s story all used their own means to check. No one found anything.

Greya used a spell only available to formal wizards: Remove Delirium.

It was a level-1 spell; the effect was mainly to find hidden truths. The principle behind the spell was using small traces to backtrack truths appeared in the line of history.

And even with that, Greya did not find anything wrong.

“Strange...” Greya was puzzled. Maybe Angor was lying? But how did he get out of the mirage then? Besides, Angor did not have any reason to tell lies in front of all these wizards.

They did not find the wound caused by the “woman with sutured face” Angor mentioned.

The apprentices whispered to each other to exchange ideas, while the wizards went through their own thoughts.

“Here, I’ll give Angor a proper test and determine what his talent is. We’ll deal with the ‘scratch’ later,” said Heroline as she stepped up. She added, “Angor will be a student of White Coral Floating Island Academy soon, we might as well finish the test right here.”

Heroline intentionally emphasized on “a student of White Coral Floating Island Academy”.

If nothing strayed too far, Angor certainly possessed special talent. It did not mean he would become a wizard, but anyone with a special talent that actually succeeded was sure to achieve great things. Heroline spoke like that to discourage the wizards from the other organizations from claiming him for their own.

Considering the wizards on the scene, Boko from Gravity Forest was not here, so he was a pass. Sabot was from Floating Mech City, so he would not intervene. That meant Heroline’s words were directed at Jellal from Tower of Hurricane.

Of course Jellal knew what she meant. He only gave her a small nod.

A special talent would somewhat catch a wizard’s attention. However, if Angor failed in becoming a formal wizard, he would perish like every mortal. The Tower of Hurricane already recruited an exceptional student with a high spiritual power rating—Easley. They did not need to care for another.

When Heroline saw Jellal’s attitude, she walked to Angor with a smile and prepared to give the young man a formal talent test.

Every talent would undergo such a test once they reached their respective organization. The test was different from the one using Abelles’ Eye. It would give the testee an all-rounded evaluation. Usually, taking the formal test meant that the talent had officially joined the wizard organization.

This was because the wizard organization would take a sample of the testee’s blood during the test. When the test was over, the blood was used to make an identification token with the organization’s emblem on it, and the token would be given to the testee.

After that, the testee would be considered a member of the organization.

Everyone except Angor knew what this meant. Knowing this, Florent and Mara began to regard Angor with a little bit more friendliness.

Before Heroline could fully enjoy the fact that she just won herself a real student, the sound of a giant explosion filled the room.

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