
Chapter 643: In the Depths of the Sea, a Trace of the Thunder Pool

Chapter 643: In the Depths of the Sea, a Trace of the Thunder Pool

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

“Good, very good! A Supreme Fairy Weapon! No wonder you want to the Pool of Thunder Tribulation!” The three leading Thunder Gods glanced over the Great Constellation Palace, exchanged a look, and unwillingly dived into the Thunder Sea, disappearing from their sight.

“Huuu!” Yu Taisu exhaled a sigh of relief as he that saw all Thunder Gods were gone. He had undertaken too much pressure when triggering the Great Constellation Bomb just now. However, it was not the time to relax now. He pulled out a tiny bottle from his clothes and poured out a crimson elixir the size of a longan fruit. After swallowing the elixir, he took another one and handed it to Mr. Feng IX.

“What?! The Red Ginseng Restorative Elixir?!”Mr. Feng IX was surprised at the sight of the elixir.

Red Ginseng Restorative Elixir!

It was made of a ten-thousand-year-old red ginseng and several other extremely precious medicinal herbs. Just one Red Ginseng Restorative Elixir could help any practitioner below Human Immortal to instantly regain their Dharma power. What a rare thing!

“Isn’t it a long-lost elixir? I can’t imagine that the Divine Wind Palace still has some in stock!” Mr. Feng IX sighed and then swallowed it without thinking. The elixir melted the moment it was in the mouth, transformed into a warm stream, and restored all the Dharma power in his six acupoints. Even his spirit had been greatly improved.

“Good stuff!”

“The Divine Wind Palace has many good things. If you’re interested, why don’t you think about joining our Divine Wind Palace?” Yu Taixu smiled and said, “My humble self will leave a position reserved for you!”

“My lord, you’re kidding!” Mr. Feng IX bowed with his hands and left the topic there, but he did have some doubts. After the tour of the Thunder Emperor’s touring abode, Yu Taixu could, without a doubt, stun the entire Seven-deity Regions with his Supreme Fairy Weapon. What was more, after he obtained the Pool of Thunder Tribulation, the whole Seven-deity Regions, and even the Heaven Realm would have to listen to him. At that time, the Immortal Palace has to make a new choice, and the situation would change dramatically. No one could tell what would happen then.

The problem was that if the Divine Wind Palace would want to make it hard for the Immortal Palace because of Zhou Bao, it would be quite troublesome for the latter. However, the Immortal Palace was not a sect afraid of troubles.

“I must find a way to send out the message about Zhou Bao. After all, he belongs to the Immortal Palace. I can’t let him be destroyed by the Divine Wind Palace!” Mr. Feng IX had a pretty good impression of Zhou Bao until now, but the problem was that their situation was not good. It was Zhou Bao who wanted to kill Yu Taixu in the first place, so it was the Immortal Palace who had been in the wrong. Therefore, he hadn’t pleaded in Zhou Bao’s stead or even mentioned him; he only secretly planned his next move. Within the powerful space of the Thunder Emperor’s touring abode, neither he nor Yu Taixu was able to send out a message. That was unless Yu Taixu used the power of the damn Supreme Fairy Weapon.

And this was another troublesome thing. The Supreme Fairy Weapon itself had a macro world, and even though it was broken, it was still in great conflict with the Heaven Realm. Luckily, the Thunder Emperor’s touring abode, which was located in the endless space-time maze in the Heaven Realm, was incomparably strong. Otherwise, the two macro worlds would have rejected each other and brought up a disaster. However, Yu Taixu still couldn’t use the Supreme Fairy Weapon at will in the touring abode or else the Heaven Realm’s macro world would be affected and it would cause disaster.

Anyhow, no one would deny that the Supreme Fairy Weapon was strong enough to let everyone cower in fear. It was a great weapon in both antiquity times and the present time.

No one could overlook its effect, and no one could deny its almighty power.

“Zhou Bao, that damn brat, was too impulsive. Does he have no brain? He should have known that Yu Taixu, as the lord of Divine Wind Palace, must have one or two weapons of mass destruction. He showed his cards too early and openly offended him. And in the end, he was confined by Yu Taixu. He not only destroyed himself but also dragged others down with him. What an idiotic jerk!!” Mr. Feng IX was furious when he thought of it.

“Mr. Feng IX, the Thunder Gods have run away and now they hide in the Thunder Sea. Let’s make our move now. The Pool of Thunder Tribulation is really important. We can’t wait any longer lest new troubles will arise!” Yu Taixu grew that confident after defeating dozens of Thunder Gods with his Supreme Fairy Weapon. And with a single jump, he reached the top of the Thunder Sea. “Those Thunder Gods couldn’t reach the bottom of the sea, but it doesn’t mean that we couldn’t either.” While he was still talking, the Great Constellation Palace shot out a streak of starlight that shone on them both. Mr. Feng IX blinked and let the starlight shine on him. Both of them were taken into the Great Constellation Palace, and it continued shrinking and shrinking. Within a minute, it was as small as a sesame seed. And just like a dust particle floating in the air, it floated above the Thunder Sea before it suddenly dove into it.

“Is this inside of the Thunder Sea? Lord Yu, are we going to have trouble?!”

Within the Thunder Sea, uncountable Heavenly Thunders and Crazy Thunders mixed together into a water-like liquid. The sea made up of liquid thunderbolts was almost the same as ordinary seas. There were even some exotic creatures similar to fishes swimming freely in the sea of thunderbolts.

“What a strange place! The fish here have enough electricity to kill a Metaphysic Individual Immortal in the outside world; but in this sea, they were just food for others!” Yu Taixu sighed as he saw the different kinds of exotic creatures. And before his sigh even ended, a huge, whale-like shadow crossed their path. It opened its huge mouth and deeply inhaled. All the creatures around them were sucked into its mouth within a second. Yu Taixu steadied the Great Constellation Palace in time so that they would not become its food.

“Lord Yu, we have no time to enjoy the scenery. Let’s find the Pool of Thunder Tribulation immediately!”

Yu Taixu smiled and asked, “Why? Are you worried about Zhou Bao right now?”

Mr. Feng IX froze for a second and then smiled bitterly, saying, “Forget about him. It’s all that brat’s fault! He was so arrogant and caused so much trouble! It’s useless asking about him. And it’s unlikely that Lord Yu will release him because of me!”

“It’s not impossible as long as you think about my previous suggestion!”

“Hahahahaha! My lord, you flatter me! But there is no room for discussion about it. I belong to the Immortal Palace and won’t join the Divine Wind Palace no matter what!”

“Then I can do nothing about it!” Yu Taixu said regrettably and no longer mentioned Zhou Bao.

The Great Constellation Palace, which shone with faint and soft starlight, was speeding up its descendence. When they were a hundred thousand feet below the sea, they found the Thunder Gods’ nest. However, the Thunder Gods didn’t see them, and the two also did not want to bother them.

At a depth of 200,000 feet, they saw creatures as powerful as those leading Thunder Gods who reached the states “Gathering of Essence, Qi, and Spirit in Acupoint” and “Five Qis Collecting in Mind.”

At a depth of 300,000 feet, there were almost no creatures at all. There was only a great pressure coming from a mysterious creature. The creature was so strong that its domain covered up the whole lower part of the Thunder Sea. Even the Supreme Fairy Weapon could not hide its spirit under such pressure and was discovered.

A tyrannical divine thought without equal glanced over, and the starlight in the outer shell of the Great Constellation Palace was shaking constantly as if it was going to explode. And the two people inside it got frightened by the cracking sounds of the thunderbolts.

“Not good! What was that?!” Feeling its hostility, Yu Taixu became nervous and hurried the Great Constellation Palace to sink deeper in a try to get rid of this dangerous situation. The mysterious creature seemed to have no intention of attacking and watched the Great Constellation Palace with its divine thoughts until it sunk to a depth of more than 500,000 feet.

“Interesting! There’s a broken Supreme Fairy Weapon, which seems to be the Great Constellation Palace of the Big Dipper. Is it looking for the Thunder Pool? In that case, it is a great chance for me to get out of here!” Somewhere in the depths of the Thunder Sea, a mysterious object, whose eyes were filled with wild impulsions, was staring closely at the Great Constellation Palace. It was trying very hard to calm down and said to itself, “Wait, wait, wait. Let me see if they can tame the Thunder Pool!”

At a depth of 500,000 feet, the liquid thunder had changed to a dark cyan color and shined with a faint golden light. Both of them gasped at the sight. In fact, they felt their scalp tingling as the Supreme Fairy Weapon went deeper. Yu Taixu, the lord of the Divine Wind Palace, who would always remain calm no matter what happened, was now wearing a pale face void any blood and his forehead was oozing drops of cold sweat. He operated the Great Constellation Palace with intense care, afraid that they would fall into the Thunder Sea and entirely vanish because of just one mistake.

Correct, one would vanish when falling into the Thunder Sea. There were no other possibilities. A Lord of Heaven with eight tribulations or even eighty tribulations was no exception of that.

Under such a situation, even a Human Immortal who had reached “Gathering of Essence, Qi, and Spirit in Acupoint” and “Five Qis Collecting in Mind” had no other choice but death. Those Thunder Gods all lived no more than 100,000 feet below the surface. Those who had reached “Gathering of Essence, Qi, and Spirit in Acupoint” and “Five Qis Collecting in Mind” could at most make it to 200,000 feet deep. Only the Supreme Fairy Weapon had the capacity to go as deep as 500,000 feet below the surface.

“Damn! How deep is it exactly? I’m afraid the Great Constellation Palace can’t hold on any longer if we go deeper!” When the Great Constellation Palace reached a depth of 700,000 feet, Yu Taixu felt a lack of Dharma power within his body. The more water pressure the Great Constellation Palace had to bare, the more Dharma power it required. He was extremely regretful that he had generously handed a Red Ginseng Restorative Elixir to Mr. Feng IX because he only had three at the beginning. Now the only one left was the one prepared for an emergency after discovering the Pool of Thunder Tribulation. He had never thought the pool was so hard to find. And just when he was about to give up, Mr. Feng IX grew delighted and shouted, “We’re here! We’re at the bottom of the sea! Look over there, isn’t that the Pool of Thunder Tribulation!!!”

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