
Chapter 402 “Snake Clan’s Ancestor (3)”

Chapter 402 “Snake Clan’s Ancestor (3)”

“Pr-Princess,” Qing Luan’s voice was shaking feverously. Due to her own fear of facing the girl, that serpanty head of hers never once dared to look up, “I am the Lady of the Snake Clan, I beg you to save me….”

“No, no, that can’t be. I didn’t hurt the little prince, there’s no way His Majesty would kill me over a simple mortal woman.”

Don’t assume Qing Luan would know everything about Bai Yan, she doesn’t. All of her information was from hearsay and inquiry because she had never worked up the courage to confront the woman in person whenever Di Cang was around.


Wouldn’t it be a joke for a cruel and heartless man to be true to a woman?

As if a single mortal would be more important than the entire Snake Clan?

“Princess,” seeing how there’s further comment, Qing Luan assumed she must be right and softened that voice up, “What they say are all just rumors from the Demon Realm. Princess you mustn’t be foolish enough to believe them. I’m willing to bet it’s just the State Teacher that bastard trying to overthrow His Majesty’s rule by deliberately forging some lies to deceive us all.”

Popping her eyes, Di Xiao Wan was shocked by the snake’s foolish remark, This damn Qing Luan actually dare to slander my State Teacher?

Even when she’s saying this, Di Xiao Wan’s slender foot had already stomped down hard at the snake’s wounded body as punishment.

Since the scales on Qing Luan’s whole body had already been mostly peeled off by Bai Yan’s scaling claws, one can only imagine the excruciating pain the she must be enduring right there at the extra stomp.

“You kidnapped my nephew, bullied my nephew, and yelled at my State Teacher! Don’t you know State Teacher can only be yelled at by me? Who do you think you are to defile his name?” As if the scolding and cursing wasn’t enough, Di Xiao Wan suddenly made a grab for Bai Yan’s sword and stabbed down hard to get her point through: “Nothing but a puny snake, you really think you are all that? When my brother comes back I will have him destroy the entire Snake Clan!”

Not to be outdone as per his lineage, Bai Xiachen also chimes in to add the oil to the fire: “Auntie, this snake just forced me to ingest her venom and wanted me to deny my relationship with my mother to admit Bai Ruo instead. If I refused, she threatened to kill me.”

“Bitch, how dare you try to harm my nephew as a servant to my brother? What, do you intend to replace my nephew also when the time’s right, or do you take my brother for a fool instead?”

Enraged once again, Di Xiao Wan slashes down twice again with the sword, causing the snake to lose even her last ounce of strength to scream. Even so, the resentment and unwillingness to accept fate had never once left Qing luan’s serpenty eyes.

Then without indication, a resounding chuckle suddenly seeps out of the snake’s vocal cord like an eerie cry of madness.

“I, Qing Luan…” Her voice may be rasp and hoarse like a whimper, but its clarity cannot be denied, “At the cost of my soul, I call upon the ancestor of thy snakes.”

“Sister-in-law,” even Di Xiao Wan’s complexion was growing green over this, “it is a secret art of our Demon Realm. This idiot is calling upon the snake’s ancestor to us!”

Though this mystical art of summoning could ignore everything from dimensional seals and all, but the price was also extremely high to the user!

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